Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – AN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING BOAT

On the morning of 27 June 1970, Aristeu Machado, his wife Maria Nazaré, their eldest daughter Creuza, aged 23, their four younger daughters, and Joao Aguiar, an official of the Brazilian Federal Police, were relaxing on the veranda of the family home on the Avenida Niemeyer, overlooking the Atlantic coast tothe southwest of central Rio de Janeiro. Sr Aguiar noticed what he thought was a motor-boat striking the water, throwing up spray all around it. He drew the attention of the others to the ‘boat’, about 700 metres from the shore. On board could be seen two ‘bathers’, who seemed to be signalling with their arms. They were wearing shining clothing and ‘something on their heads’ and seemed to be ‘thickish set and quite small’.

The two persons seemed to be working on the deck of the metallic grey craft, which appeared to be between four and six metres in length, covered with a transparent cupola. While the others continued watching, Sr Aguiar ran to the nearby Mar Hotel to telephone the harbour police for assistance. No sound could be heard from the craft, nor did it bob up and down like a normal boat.

When Sr Aguiar returned about half an hour later, the ‘boat’ could still be seen on the sea. Shortly afterwards, it took off into the air. Dr Walter Buhler, one of Brazil’s most respected investigators, interviewed the witnesses on the day of the incident, having been alerted to the case by a reporter from the newspaper Diario de Noticias, which published a report the following day. As Dr Buhler reported:

Sr Aguiar informed us that when the disc took off, it did not rise straight up, but skimmed along for about 300 metres on the surface of the sea, throwing out the usual sort of bow-wave, such as we see with our own fast motor-boats In fact, it was only when the machine had become airborne and was moving away in a low arc out to sea towards the south-east that the witnesses realized it was not an ordinary boat, but a flying saucer.

As the disc took off, from a point about 600 metres from the shore, Dona Maria Nazaré noticed a hexagonal-shaped object underneath it, as though retracted into the craft, and several coloured lights — green, pale yellow, red — repeatedly flashed in the same sequence. While the disc had appeared metallic grey while resting on the water, it looked transparent once airborne. She clearly saw the two occupants sitting inside the disc.

On the area of sea where the disc had rested, Dona Maria Nazaré noticed a ‘white, hoop-shaped object, of the size of a trunk or a chest’, which sank after a while. Then it reappeared, and from it came a yellow, oval-shaped object, which began to move slowly towards the beach. A greenish ‘flange’ later separated from the main yellow body, and continued to follow it. About fifteen minutes later, the yellow object came to within about 120 metres of the beach, made a right-angled turn, then headed towards the beach at Gávea, contrary to the prevailing current. Dona Maria decided to go down to the beach, where she pointed it out to a group of boys, one of whom began throwing stones at it, to no effect. Ten minutes later, the object disappeared around a rocky promontory.

Twenty minutes later the white ‘hoop’ also headed in the direction of the Gávea beach. Not long after the disc had taken off, a police motor-launch from Copacabana Fort appeared on the scene, presumably sent out following Sr Aguiar’s call. ‘We do not know if its crew saw the UFO take off,’ reported Dr Buhler, ‘but it may be assumed that they did, for they would have had the UFO in view long before they reached the area from which it took off and where the “white hoop” remained floating.

‘When they got there, the motor-launch stopped at a distance of about one kilometre from the shore. Then the witnesses saw the crew of the launch hoist aboard, with great difficulty, a cylindrical red object . . . Having done this, the motor-launch returned at high speed to its point of origin.’ No further details are available regarding the recovered object.