Neither Rhyme nor Reason – SHOCK

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: SHOCK

On Smythe’s return home, his wife was shocked by his appearance and demeanour:

I knew something was wrong when I saw him. He was as white as a sheet [and] his eyes were dazed looking. He spoke to me in a very shaky voice. He had dark circles under his eyes. He looked terrible. His arms were covered in pitch, also his pants and T-shirt. He had small scratches all over his arms. He came in and didn’t even say hi, hello or anything . . . He then proceeded to tell me about his Cisco Grove experience. His hands shook and his voice was subdued . . . he was on the verge of crying [and] was so badly shaken that he took a week off from work.

Suffering from chest pains and breathing difficulty, Smythe went to his doctor for a check-up, but nothing wrong was found. For a year and a half after the incident, Smythe suffered from terrible nightmares about the robots. Beginning in 1969, he began to experience occasional loud buzzing noises in his ears, which he believed were associated with the beings he had encountered. On one occasion, while camping with his wife, the buzzing sounds preceded a sighting of a ‘big light’ which moved swiftly over a ridge, followed a few seconds later by another, smaller light.