Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: MORE LONG-HAIRED INTERLOPERS

Another landing of humanoids at a fazenda in Brazil took place in the early part of January 1968, at the Lagöa Negra Fazenda, near Lagoa dos Patos, in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. This time, there were five witnesses: the owner of the fazenda, his wife, son and daughter, and the fazenda manager The incident occurred sometime between 20.00 and 22.00, on a clear night.

Initially, a disc-shaped object, about 10 metres in diameter and three metres high, was seen ‘floating’ two metres above the ground, beside a grove of eucalyptus trees, observed at a distance of less than 400 metres from inside the fazenda house. With a cupola on top and a sort of protuberance underneath, the craft had a metallic gleam and emitted a powerful, cold, reddish light that penetrated through the chinks in the windows and the doors of the house, causing the witnesses’ eyes to burn.

The first two figures to appear beside the disc seemed about two metres tall, dressed in white overalls with a broad white band at the waist, and high, dark- coloured collars. The faces of the beings were described as full, white, with long hair hanging down to their shoulders. The beings also had large bare feet, long hands, and a rather rigid manner of walking, without bending their legs.

Afterwards, three more beings appeared. These were no more than 1.4 metres in height, wearing chestnut-brown overalls with a similar-coloured band around the waist, hair as long as the previous two, and shod in small boots. They walked rapidly, though not leaving the area beneath the disc. Momentarily, the two taller beings moved away from the disc and went towards a wire fence, getting as far as a ditch that ran beside it. After following this until they were at a point halfway between the disc and the gate, they retraced their steps. They then walked away from the disc a second time, went up to the gate via a different route, halted in front of a small wooden bridge over the ditch, and returned once again to the disc. For a third time, the taller beings left the area of the disc, following the route they had first taken. This time they crossed the bridge, came to the gate and opened it, entered, closed the gate, then headed towards the house.

By this time, the fazenda-owner and his manager had left the house and taken up a position lying under two palm trees, enabling them to observe the disc and its occupants without themselves being seen. The wife and children stayed inside the house. Frightened by the red light that had penetrated the house, the son lay in bed and covered himself with the bedclothes. The five household dogs, normally fierce towards strangers, at no time seemed to be disturbed, even when the interlopers approached the house. The manager, who was armed, decided to challenge the intruders, but the owner ordered him to keep quiet. ‘When the beings had got to about 60 metres from the house,’ reported investigator Jader Pereira, ‘the daughter was able to see their features clearly because the whole area around about was completely lit up by the light from the disc, and she exclaimed: “Mother, they look like Saints!”‘ This exclamation frightened the mother, who decided to call her husband to come back inside the house. As she opened the door and called him, the two beings halted. ‘They did this several times,’ said Pereira, ‘until finally they turned round and went back to the disc along the same route by which they had come. Then all five of them entered the object, which rose up vertically, apparently with a slight rotary movement.’ The entire incident lasted for about twenty minutes.

The following day, the witnesses discovered two kinds of footprints: one large, as though from bare feet, with very long toes and angular heels; the other prints small, with a smooth heel, while the forepart of the sole showed ‘a sort of five- pointed star’ in the centre. Unfortunately, no plaster-casts were taken.

The humanoids described in this case compare interestingly with earlier descriptions of similar beings, such as George Adamski’s ‘Orthon’, with his long hair and ‘chocolate-brown’ overalls. According to the investigators: ‘The family are people who are held in high regard locally and in the Municipality of Viamâo. None of them had ever hitherto had any interest in the subject of flying saucers.’


During the summer of 1968, the rural populace in the Peruvian Andes became so alarmed by numerous ‘flying saucer apparitions’ in their area that the district authorities of Huaraz dispatched a commission, accompanied by armed police, to investigate reports that the ‘saucers’ were using a particular area close to Lake Yanacocha, in central Peru, as a base. Many farmers claimed to have seen luminous objects ‘shooting downwards at great speed’, as though to land, on an extensive plain lying between Lake Yanacocha and Lake Pumacocha. Twice weekly, it was alleged, the ‘saucers’ appeared in broad daylight, then vanished swiftly, leaving landing traces on the ground.

According to UFO investigator and engineer Antonio Ponce de Leon, a ‘saucerdrome’ (platillodromo), had been discovered at Chumo, in the Sicuani area of southern Peru. De Leon reported that he had learned about the ‘saucerdrome’ from the local Indians.

Rumours proliferated in 1968 that an alien base existed in the depths of Lake Titicaca. Many local witnesses reported sightings of ‘saucers’ heading towards the lake and vanishing therein.

In 1993, many inhabitants of Huaraz, capital of the department of Ancash, north of Lima, claimed that flying saucers had bases in the highest peaks of the Cordillera Blanca, a stretch of the Andes. The highest such peak, El Huascarán, is 7,000 metres; others vary from 5,000 to 6,000 metres. According to witnesses, flying saucers were regularly seen to emerge from the lakes in this area. On 28 October 1993, for example, numerous farmers, shepherds and others reported sighting a UFO emerge from the lake on Mount Carhuac.
According to Osterling Obregón, a teacher, Mount Carhuac was lit up with different colours when the UFO rose up from the 5,000-metre peak.

Tor four minutes I watched the UFO rise slowly above the Cordillera Blanca,’ stated Obregón. By the time the teacher returned with his camera, the object had disappeared. Ten minutes later, what appeared to be the same object was seen by another teacher, Juan Gómez. The object emitted brilliant lights and described a series of aerobatic manoeuvres.