it was an experiment designed to shield US. ships (Part 2)

Reportedly, it was an experiment designed to shield U.S. ships from being picked up by Nazi radar systems. Something went wrong, though, explained Euton, who said that the ship became invisible

Area 51 The Revealing Truth of Ufos, Secret Aircraft, Cover-Ups & Conspiracies

In the 1950’s this ship was part of an experiment to test the effects of a small, high-frequency generator providing 1,000hz instead of the standard 400hz. The higher frequency generator produced corona discharges, and other well-known phenomena associated with high frequency generators. None of the crew suffered effects from the experiment.” Of course, the fact that the Navy initially claimed that the story was nothing but now provides two very different explanations has some researchers of the case rolling their eyes and shaking their heads. The story does not end there.

Verifiable data exists that the U.S. military in the 1940s was exploring the issue of invisibility. One such program was code-named “Yahootie.” The plan was to create an airplane that could not be visually seen. The plan revolved around strategically placed lights and mirrors on the planes, which were designed to reflect the skies in which the plane was flying. Of course, this would not have amounted to literal invisibility, but it does show that some degree of invisibility was an issue on the minds of the military when the experiment was said to have occurred in Philadelphia in 1943. If nothing else, this brief aside is definitive food for thought.

One of the truly strangest, many have said wholly outrageous, allegations that has been made within conspiracy-themed research circles is that Montauk has a connection to the United States’s most famous of all monsters, Bigfoot.

The claim is that top-secret research is afoot deep below the old base to create Tulpa-style versions of Bigfoot. That’s to say that monsters conjured up in the imagination can then be projected outwardly and be given some degree of quasi- independent life in the real world. Weird U.S. notes that on one occasion, one of those attached to the secret experiments—a man named Duncan Cameron— envisioned in his mind “a large, angry, powerful Sasquatch-like” entity that “materialized at Montauk and began destroying the base in a rage. It utterly decimated the place, tanking the project and disconnecting it from the past. As soon as the equipment harnessing people’s psychic power was destroyed, the beast disappeared.”

Bizarre? Yes, definitely. Still on the matter of Montauk and mysterious creatures.… Joe Nickell is a senior research fellow of the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI) and investigative files columnist for Skeptical Inquirer. A former stage magician, private investigator, and teacher, he is author of numerous books, including Inquest on the Shroud of Turin (1998), Pen, Ink and Evidence (2003), Unsolved History (2005), and Adventures in Paranormal Investigation (2007).

He notes: “In July 2008, the carcass of a creature soon dubbed the ‘Montauk Monster’ allegedly washed ashore near Montauk, Long Island, New York. It sparked much speculation and controversy, with some suggesting it was a shell-less sea turtle, a dog or other canid, a sheep, or a rodent—or even a latex fake or possible mutation experiment from the nearby Plum Island Animal Disease Center.” The strange saga of the admittedly very weird beast caught the attention of not just national, but international, media. This was hardly surprising, since the animal appeared to have a beaklike face, large claws, and a doglike body. While the controversy rolled on for a long time—and provoked deep rumors about what “the government” was doing—an answer to the riddle finally came, as Dr. Darren Naish noted: “Is the carcass that of a dog? Dogs have an inflated frontal region that gives them a pronounced bony brow or forehead, and in contrast the Montauk monster’s head seems smoothly convex. As many people have now noticed, there is a much better match: Raccoon Procyon lotor. It was the digits of the hands that gave this away for me: the Montauk carcass has very strange, elongate, almost human-like fingers with short claws.” Then is the matter of time travel.

For years, rumors have circulated to the effect that the alleged missing sailors from the USS Eldridge were not rendered invisible but were flung into the future: our present. While this remains the most controversial aspect of the various claims about Montauk and of course has yet to be proved, it is also an issue that has some supportive data. Dr. David Lewis Anderson of the Anderson Institute, which is based out of New Mexico, states that many years ago, he worked on a highly classified program that was focused on time travel. The location was the U.S. Air Force’s Flight Test Center at the California-based Edwards Air Force Base.

Perhaps, one day, we will know for sure the true story of Montauk. The revelations may prove to be amazing.