Foo-Fighters Over England

The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: Alien Base

In June 1944 the Germans began launching against London the first of their two Vergeltungswaffen (retaliation weapons) — the V-1. Dubbed ‘doodle-bugs’ or ‘buzz bombs’ by the British, the V-1 s, powered by a pulse-jet, were launched from ramps in northwestern France and directed to their target by a pre-set guidance system. Over 8,000 V-1s were launched against London alone, while thousands of others were launched against Allied-held targets on the Continent.

Owing to their unreliability and relatively low speed (350 m.p.h.), about a quarter of them failed and about half were destroyed by countermeasures: aircraft interception, anti-aircraft fire and barrage balloons. Only a quarter reached their target areas and even then, some failed to explode.

In the summer of 1944, Bill Steele, who frequently observed V-1s being attacked by Royal Air Force fighters, was operating an excavator at Fairlight Quarry near Hastings, Sussex. On clear days, he could see the aircraft patrolling, the V-1s approaching and the Observer Corps firing rocket signals to alert pilots.

On two occasions, he told me, he noticed something very unusual: It was while watching one of these that I saw these curious discs. The impression was of hub-caps, though a little larger, circling the V-1 and running alongside with ease. I put them down to something the RAF were using. They had no effect whatsoever upon the V-1s. The odd thing was the curious melodious whistle-like noise that I heard