Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: NEGATIVE COMPARISONS

Although nuclear weapons remained one of the principal reasons why the extraterrestrials were revealing themselves more to Earth people, Ghibaudi emphasized that there were also other reasons, which he was forbidden to disclose.

The principal consideration in the minds of the benevolent visitors in adopting so reticent a policy towards us, claimed Bruno Ghibaudi, was not only the great danger that would ensue from panic — ‘tremendous as these dangers would no doubt be, where primitive and backward creatures like ourselves were concerned’ but also that their open appearance among Earth people would lead inevitably to negative comparisons. Humankind might feel so deflated and inferior that it might lose hope. And how could politicians possibly cope with such a scenario? ‘Our masses are not yet ready for a revelation of this kind,’

Ghibaudi asserted.

Do not let us forget that between their science and ours there is a gap of thousands of years, and that for this reason an ‘official’ mass descent of space beings from other planets would inevitably bring about comparisons between their worlds and ours. How could such an encounter be permitted? At an inner level, we should quite certainly be severely shaken as a result of it, and they do not want to alarm us in any way. And this is all the more so, inasmuch as there are cosmic laws which prevent the more evolved races from interfering, beyond certain limits, in the evolution and development of the more backward races.

For every race must be the maker of its own progress, paying the price for it with its sacrifices, its failures, and its victories . . .