Contrasting Encounters – SPACE TECHNOLOGY

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: SPACE TECHNOLOGY

As I was only a metre or so from him, I tried a couple of times to reach out and touch him, and each time I was impeded. Meanwhile, on the right of the disc, the robot was working on the outside of the disc, where there was a kind of ‘rotor’ or ‘ring’ . projecting two metres [from the craft].

‘It looked like a multi-coloured, ring-like rainbow,’ Rizzi told me in 1997. 28 Every now and then it tilted down and the centre sharpened to a point, one half turning in one direction and the other in the opposite direction. I asked him whether the sharp point was to destroy meteorites . . . He smiled again, and explained that they do not destroy meteorites; they avoid them . . . In any case, the function of the external ring is merely to enable them to enter the atmosphere of the planets they are visiting . . .

In space, they travel by the main [carrier] disc, which is outside any magnetic field, using another source of energy: it has the same shape, but is very big, with a diameter of, I think, five kilometres. It is fitted with ledges for smaller discs such as the one I was privileged to see, or a number of very small discs without equipment, which are used for exploration purposes, since they have a system of magnetic propulsion with no speed limit in any atmosphere, and [which is] immune from temperature and other conditions.
In the main disc, hundreds of their people can live as on their planet; they have an inexhaustible supply of energy and everything else that they need.

Furthermore, they travel in ‘neutral channels’ through space, so that there is no danger of their being attracted by other planets, and also to avoid [asteroids] and defunct planets.
I asked him what defensive weapons they had, to which he replied that they could disintegrate anything, even at enormous distances. He indicated that I should pick up a stone about two metres away and throw it at the dome of the disc. I picked it up — it was [shaped] like a large potato and it weighed about a kilo — stepped back a bit to get a better angle, and hurled it. As soon as the stone approached the disc, a ray of violet light shot out and the stone exploded with a thud, disintegrating completely.