Continuing Contacts: THIRD CONTACT

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: THIRD CONTACT

Paul Villa’s second series of colour photographs was exposed at several locations in April 1965. The most interesting photographs from this series were those taken on Easter Sunday, 18 April, at about 16.00, in an area 20 miles south of Albuquerque, close to the bed of the Rio Grande river, one of several areas I visited together with Villa in 1976. At one point the craft, which he told me he estimated at about 150 feet in diameter, projected a beam of light that caused a small bush fire (a Biblical ‘burning bush’!), then another beam shot out and extinguished it. Smoke from the fire is visible in trees just below the craft, and just above and to the left of the tailgate of Villa’s truck. The craft also produced a ‘miniature tornado’, causing the lower branches of some trees to appear blurred. The turbulence was so high, Villa reported, that he thought he and his truck would be blown away. Suddenly, the wind ceased, as if it had been ‘switched off’, and the surrounding air became quite hot and there was dead silence.

Based on the atmospheric hazing or ‘thickening’ effect, whereby an object becomes increasingly less well defined in imagery the greater its distance from a camera, these photographs show a large craft at considerable distance from Villa’s camera.

The ship landed on telescopic tripod landing gear that can be seen protruding from the bottom of the craft in photos 7-8. The three crewmen had light-brown hair and tan skin and appeared to be about five feet eight inches tall. Villa claimed to have talked with them for nearly two hours about personal as well as general matters.

Villa told me that three scientists from the University of New Mexico, Drs Klein, Ulrich and Lincoln LaPaz, whose earlier and official UFO investigations are described in Beyond Top Secret, surveyed the landing site with a Geiger- counter and a magnetron, with negative results.