Continuing Contacts: THE BLUE JOHN ENCOUNTER

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: THE BLUE JOHN ENCOUNTER

On the afternoon of Monday 16 September 1963, Joelle set off by car to return to London, via the Blue John Caves. Arriving in the vicinity of the caves at around 14.30, she parked in a vantage spot overlooking a mildly sloping valley, ate her packed lunch, then waited to see what might happen.

Shortly before 16.30, Joelle noticed a brilliant light in the sky, which she first took to be the Sun. It was moving, though, and when it came to rest, several hundred yards from her position, the brilliant glow ceased, and she could now see that it was a highly unusual disc-shaped aircraft, approximately 20 feet or so in diameter, supported on tripod landing legs with inverted mushroom-shaped pads on their earth-contacting ends. Beneath a cupola could be seen several circular windows. After a pause, a man — presumably ‘Mark’ — stepped out from the other side, dressed in a blue one-piece suit and a cloth helmet of some sort. Simultaneously, a man came out of a car parked some distance away and began walking down the slope towards the craft.

Joelle recognized the car as the one that had been parked outside Rosamund’s house. After the two men had greeted each other warmly, Mark turned towards the craft and signalled briefly to the other (presumed) crew member(s), then both men headed towards the car and drove away. The craft began to glow and lift off the ground, retracted its landing gear, hovering momentarily before shooting off at a fantastic speed