Area 51’s Underground Realms (Part 1)

Area 51 The Revealing Truth of Ufos, Secret Aircraft, Cover-Ups & Conspiracies

One of the more intriguing rumors surrounding Area 51 suggests that the vast majority of the top-secret work undertaken there is handled not on the surface but deep below it in hollowed-out chambers, tunnels, and vast, underground installations. Certainly, stories suggesting that that is the case abound.

The few overhead, satellite photographs of Area 51 that are in the public domain show very little evidence of massive facilities, just extensive runways, hangars, and a few other buildings, and that’s about it. The undeniable sparse imagery has led to suspicions that the bulk of Area 51 is situated way below the surface of the Nevada desert. That is almost certainly the case.

In an article titled “How Area 51 Works,” Jonathan Strickland and Patrick J. Kiger say: “Some allege that what you can see on the surface is only a tiny part of the actual facility. They believe that the surface buildings rest on top of a labyrinthine underground base. Others claim the underground facility has up to 40 levels and that it is attached via underground railways to other sites in Los Alamos, White Sands and Los Angeles. Skeptics are quick to point out that such a massive construction project would require an enormous labor force; the removal of tons of earth that would have to go somewhere and there would be a need for a huge amount of concrete and other construction material. So likely, what you see is what you get. But nobody in the public really knows for sure, because the government goes to great lengths to conceal what it is doing at Area 51.”

In January 2017, the United Kingdom’s Daily Express newspaper said the following of Jan Harzan, the executive director of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON): “Mr. Harzan claims there is a secret underground facility built into the base of the Papoose Mountains, in Lincoln County, Nevada, where recovered alien space crafts and extraterrestrial beings are kept hidden away.” Atlas Obscura states: “While the base is said by conspiracy theorists to be the site of everything from time travel research, an underground transcontinental railroad, and of course a secret lab where aliens work with the government to reverse-engineer alien technology, there is little evidence for any of the fanciful claims that people have made.

It is almost certainly true that much of the base is underground, but its more likely use is just as exciting—a secret experimental aircraft testing space of a terrestrial nature—many of which could easily be considered unidentified flying objects.” Regardless of whether or not aliens are indeed at Area 51—alive, dead, or both—the fact is that such an extensive portion of the base situated deep underground means that it can offer protection for the controllers if the nukes are launched. The likelihood that Area 51 does indeed have a vast underground section that most people never get to see is bolstered by taking a look at what is going on at top-secret, sensitive installations elsewhere in the world.

Undoubtedly, the world right now is a dangerous place—an extremely dangerous place. Our relations with the Russians are at an all-time low. Things aren’t going well with the Chinese, and the crazed actions of North Korea may spark a nuclear war. In light of all that, an important question needs to be asked and answered. If war comes—and it turns nuclear—will world leaders and elite figures head deep below the surface of the planet, only to return years later to claim what remains of the planet and human civilization? Such a thing is not at all impossible.

In fact, significant signs are evident that plans are indeed being made to ensure that the underground will be the place to be if the apocalypse occurs, but, as is usually the case, it will be the controlling elite who will be calling the shots, rather than the rest of us. Let’s take a look at some of the highly classified installations that exist on our planet and how they may make use of them if the unthinkable happens. We’ll start with Russia

Given the fact that Russia amounts to a huge area of land, secure, underground facilities can be built—and have been built—in plenty of areas. The U.S. intelligence community has known for decades that at least two massive facilities exist that have the ability to survive nuclear strikes chiefly as a result of the fact that they are built deeply into almost impenetrable mountains. Those mountains are Mount Yamantau and the Kosvinsky Mountains. Yamantau stands in excess of five thousand feet and is the highest mountain in the Urals. As far back as the 1990s, the Russians began the construction of a massive facility within Mount Yamantau primarily to provide the controlling elite with a secure place in which to survive a nuclear exchange between the superpowers.

American spy satellites have confirmed massive digging on the mountain, suggesting that huge, hollowed-out sections of the mountain now exist—which have been turned into the perfect locations for literally hundreds of thousands of people to survive an attack. Make no mistake, the Yamantau facility is gigantic.

Studies undertaken by American intelligence agents suggest that its size is that of Washington, D.C.’s huge Interstate 495, which surrounds the capital of the United States. I-495 has a circumference of more than sixty miles, which will give you an idea of the scale of the Yamantau facility.