Roswell “Invents” the Aliens
Although most established scientists argue against the Roswell-ET notion, or ignore it altogether, skeptics must admit that the Army handled itself badly.
Inept military-speak in the official press release and in remarks that came later did little except encourage public doubt about what happened. The “weather balloon” explanation is not impossible or even improbable, just weak and convenient. Similarly, an Army scenario concocted to explain away bulbous- head descriptions of the small corpses—that a serviceman fell and ended up with a swollen noggin—is nothing but risible.
Eyewitness accounts, and latter-day interpretations, cause the Roswell aliens to present themselves to us as what is now shorthand for “extraterrestrial”: small, thin-limbed, hairless bodies, and those enlarged heads. Although necks are described as slender, the frontal and parietal portions of the skull are enlarged.
The nasal aperture is often described as considerably smaller than its human counterpart. Mandibles are less well-developed than in humans, so chins are narrow. (Other familiar details, such as enormous black eyes, seem to have been added later by the movies and/or various eyewitness accounts not obviously connected to Roswell.) Some UFOlogists believe that the term extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE) was coined by military scientists whose first look at intelligent alien life happened at Roswell Army Air Field.