Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – THE HOME PLANET

At all times, Pallmann was encouraged by his hosts to ask questions and to give them his impressions. From an “observation post”, he was shown images of the home planet (in a solar system located towards the centre of our galaxy, he learnt later), such as methods of transportation, food-processing installations, ‘biological machinery’ and various instruments. “I even listened to a concert, and invaded some of their homes,” he claimed. “I use the word “invaded” deliberately, because the involvement brought about by the “eye” makes one feel as if one is actually going to these places; going to the concert, for example, or visiting friends in their own home.”

Everybody looked happy in this Utopian society. ‘Everybody seemed to be smiling, young and old. There didn’t appear to be many unhealthy people about, but the “generator” was trained on to what they call “health centres”, and I saw that even patients there were smiling. ‘Linked with the all-pervading air of happiness on Itibi Ra II was an atmosphere of calmness and serenity. No one seemed out of patience. Nobody appeared to be in a hurry .

Pallmann liked what he saw of the aliens’ architecture. ‘Most of their homes were built along river banks and the sides of lakes and other waterways. Their architecture was unlike any I had seen on Earth, except in futuristic exhibitions.

They delighted in dominant colours . . .