Cosmic Shock: THE OBSERVER

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: THE OBSERVER

Air Marshal Sir Peter Horsley, former Deputy Commander-in-Chief of Strike Command, has flown 90 types of aircraft, ranging from the Mosquito (in the Second World War), to the Spitfire, Meteor, Hunter, Lightning and Vulcan. He spent seven years in the service of Her Majesty the Queen and HRH Prince Philip as Equerry, and it was during this period that he had an experience which had a profound effect on him — an encounter with an apparently extraterrestrial being.

In his fascinating autobiography, Sounds From Another Room, Sir Peter devotes a lengthy chapter to the subject of UFOs, including details of his investigations into sightings reported by pilots; details which he relayed to Prince Philip, who shared his interest in the phenomenon. Another enthusiast was Air Chief Marshal Sir Arthur Barratt, who retired from the RAF at the end of the war. Barratt introduced Sir Peter to a friend of his, a General Martin, who believed that flying saucers were extraterrestrial vehicles from another planet whose inhabitants were trying to warn us of the perils of nuclear war. Sir Peter was not convinced.

One day in 1954, General Martin phoned Sir Peter, inviting him to meet a Mrs Markham that night at her London flat in Smith Street, Chelsea. General Martin himself did not attend the meeting. There, in a dimly lit room, he was introduced to a ‘Mr Janus’. ‘Without any preliminaries,’ writes Sir Peter, ‘Mr Janus dived straight into the deep end by asking me to tell him all I knew about UFOs. He listened patiently . . . At the end I thought I might be equally as direct and asked Janus what his interest was. He answered me quite simply, “I would like to meet the Duke of Edinburgh.”‘ Somewhat taken aback, Sir Peter replied that this would not be easy. ‘I was about to add particularly for security reasons but thought better of it,’ he writes. But it was here the strangeness of it all started — the man’s extraordinary ability to read my thoughts.’ Asked why he wanted to meet Prince Philip, Janus replied: ‘[He] is a man of great vision . . . who believes strongly in the proper relationship between man and nature which will prove of great importance in future galactic harmony . . . perhaps you and I can discuss the subject first and you will be able to judge whether I am dangerous or not.’ Sir Peter devotes 14 pages to the ensuing two-hour discourse, of which selected excerpts follow.


Janus began by pointing out that Man was ‘now striving to break his earthly bonds and travel to the moon and the planets beyond’. He continued: But flight to the stars is Man’s ultimate dream, although knowledge of the vast distances involved in interstellar flight makes it appear only a dream. Yet perhaps after a hundred years or so . . . exploration of his own solar system may be complete and it is just not in Man’s nature to stop there . . .

…Just as tribes found other tribes and Christopher Columbus discovered on his travels unknown centres of ancient civilizations, so Man in his journeys through the universe may find innumerable centres of culture far more ancient than his own . . . He will discover a wealth of experiences infinitely more startling and beautiful than can be imagined: an infinite variety of agencies and forces as yet unknown: great fields of gravity and anti-gravity where objects are accelerated across space like giant sling shots, even other universes with different space and time formulae . . .

Why does Man reach for the stars? His energies have never been solely directed towards material benefits alone. From the beginning of Man’s history he has striven . . . towards a spirituality and grace of which he was aware but could not fully comprehend. This drive to reach out beyond himself has been the motive power behind some of Man’s finest achievements . . . So Man invading space for material gain or personal glorification alone will gain nothing, but Man searching to enrich his own spirituality and nature will come closer to understanding that God is Universal.