Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: FURTHER ENCOUNTERS

During May 1958, Lewis claimed to have been visited by ‘a high official of the police and another gentleman’, who asked many questions. ‘I was advised to forget certain matters and carry on my normal work and way of life.’ Lewis decided to accept this advice, but early one Sunday morning in the summer of 1958 he had another contact, this time with a different being. The craft in which he arrived was in the distance, and to meet Lewis, the man had apparently walked across some fields. Lewis was told that people from Venus are living on Earth among us. Lewis went on: I can assure you I have no fear of our friends (and I say this with perfect confidence) for they are our friends (so God help me and all of us) and if only our leaders and persons of importance and authority would only meet them and guarantee them safety and guarantee that their knowledge and age-old abilities would not be exploited and imposed upon, then I who know them and have been with them on this Earth can say with truth and confidence that all of us who inhabit this planet can be assured of a perfect life . . .

In July 1958 Lewis travelled by rail to Paddington Station, London, where he met by prior arrangement with his contact, who escorted him to a car in which he was introduced to a woman of appearance similar to that of the man. As it was a pleasant evening, they drove into Hyde Park, and walked by the Serpentine for about an hour. Later, the trio drove to Wanstead Flats, and then to Forest Gate, where Lewis had a meal and the others tea and sandwiches (!). At one stage the aliens engaged each other in conversation in their own language, unintelligible to Lewis, but soon joined him for a fascinating discussion which lasted until midnight.

After having spent the night with a friend in Stratford, Lewis met the same man, without his female companion, at 18.00 the following day. A visit to the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain at Belgrave Square, in central London, was suggested. The two attended a demonstration of clairvoyance by the famous medium Rebecca Williams. Further meetings took place in London that week, including a trip to St Paul’s Cathedral, and finally both companions bade Lewis farewell and saw him on to his train at Paddington.

Lewis described the appearance of the ‘Venusians’ as well dressed but not overdressed, with a ‘likeness to continental folk, dark, Jewish or perhaps Grecian. The male friend as tall as I, more than six feet. Well built, athletic, very strong I should say. Lady also tall, similar features. Both very healthy-looking.’

There is much that I have learnt, much I am not yet allowed to say. I have also been urged to be careful with whom I discuss this excursion of mine, for there are many forces who desire to know many things which could be of great advantage to the few . . . Although I don’t know anything about this subject, it is magnetic power which drives these craft — points of magnetic pole. Each craft and space ship works to a purpose, whatever they do. Many space craft land on Earth in various countries . . .

Some are huge but these never land . . . and the planets have many contacts on Earth. Also many are living among us, and one cannot tell the difference. Medical men could, however, so I understand.

I have known personally several contactees whose experiences parallel those of Hubert Lewis in cases where the possibility of collusion is very small, because, firstly, I made a point of not introducing the parties to each other until I had completed my independent investigations; while secondly, none of the stories had been published.

Lewis’s comment that medical men could distinguish between an alien and a terrestrial is interesting, especially because it is now a matter of official record that a qualified physician has claimed to have physically examined an alleged extraterrestrial. As described in my book Alien Liaison, in 1976 a Mexican paediatrics and anaesthesia specialist, the late Dr Leopoldo Diaz, examined a man who said he came from another (unspecified) planet.

The man proved to be normal in all respects, with the exception of his very white skin, extraordinary eyes with a wider iris than normal, and a claimed age of eighty-four, while otherwise appearing not older than in his forties or fifties. So taken aback was Dr Diaz by this encounter that he contacted the United Nations in New York and spoke there with a delegation. One of the delegates was Robert Muller, then UN Under-Secretary of Economic and Social Development, who told me that unfortunately he was subsequently unable to gain the interest of anyone in the UN in the case