Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth: CHILD-SIZED HUMANOIDS

Miguel Espanol, a Spanish naval officer, was travelling with a companion by truck to Ceres, Brazil, on 10 October 1957, when about three miles from Quebracóco village he noticed a strong gleam of light over a hill ahead. Just after the truck surmounted the hill, a huge luminous object could be seen about a mile away, hovering in the air, brilliantly illuminating the surrounding countryside.

As it descended to a height of about 20 feet from the ground, some 40 yards away, the object seemed to cause the truck’s engine to stall. It then cut out all its lights, except for a reddish one in an antenna on the dome. Estimated to have a diameter of about 500 feet and a depth of about 130 feet, the craft was oval- shaped, but like two superimposed saucers separated by a circular area of about 16 feet. A door opened and two beings emerged, followed by another two pairs, then a seventh one, who walked down the centrer of two lines made by the others.

Espanol described the beings as looking like child-sized humans, with long hair and dressed in what appeared to be luminous suits. The truck engine would not work during this whole period, despite frantic efforts to make it start. After silently observing the truck and its two occupants for about three minutes, the space visitors climbed back into their craft and the door shut. The huge ship took off, climbed to a height of about 1,600 feet, at which altitude it released a small disc, then disappeared to the south.