Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – UNCONVENTIONAL COMMUNICATION

‘Incidentally,’ remarked Fry at one point, ‘I don’t even know your name, or do you people not have given names?’ ‘We have names, though there is seldom any occasion to use them among ourselves. If I become a member of your race, I shall use the name Alan, which is a common name in your country and is nearly the same as my given name, which is pronounced as though it were spelled “Ahlahn”.’

Alan said that, whenever it became necessary, Fry would be contacted again, though not necessarily by conventional means. ‘We have recorded your exact frequency pattern,’ he said (a method reported by Albert Coe), and went on briefly to discuss mental telepathy, or ‘extra-sensory perception’:

In the first place, it isn’t extra-sensory at all. It is just as much a part of the body’s normal perception equipment as any of the others, except that during one phase of the development of the race it falls into disuse because it is a rather public form of communication, and during this phase of development the individual requires a considerable degree of privacy in his words and thoughts. Most of your animals use the sense to a greater degree than your people, and for some of your insects, it is the only form of communication . Communication could also be established by means of small, remotely controlled probes, as well as directly, using ‘electronic beam modulation of the auditory nerve’, Alan claimed.