Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – ON THE PERUVIAN CENTRAL HIGHWAY ‘I never thought I would see a flying saucer, much less photograph one,’ said Lima architect Hugo Luyo. Vega, following the sighting of an unknown flying machine, identical to George Adamski’s ‘scoutcraft’, which Vega photographed on 19 October 1973 (see plates). … Read more

Perplexing Trends – SOUTHERN ARGENTINA

SOUTHERN ARGENTINA After years of research, the Argentine Society for the Investigation of Unusual Phenomena announced in 1973 that machines from another world had established undersea bases in the gulfs of San Matias and San Jorge, in the coastal waters of southern Argentina. By the early 1960s, flying saucer sightings had become so frequent along … Read more

Perplexing Trends – AFTER-EFFECTS

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – AFTER-EFFECTS Pedro Romaniuk emphasized that Ventura Maceiras was a poor, simple man, scarcely able to read or write, with no television set or access to films. His neighbours all vouched for his honesty. In more than 60 interrogations that ensued — by physicians including a psychiatrist, … Read more

Perplexing Trends – REJUVENATION

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – REJUVENATION Ventura Maceiras, a 73-year-old caretaker, was sipping his mate (the national, non-alcoholic beverage) and listening to the radio near the little wooden shack where he lived at Tres Arroyos, in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. Beside him were his dog, his cat and … Read more


Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – AN UNIDENTIFIED FLYING BOAT On the morning of 27 June 1970, Aristeu Machado, his wife Maria Nazaré, their eldest daughter Creuza, aged 23, their four younger daughters, and Joao Aguiar, an official of the Brazilian Federal Police, were relaxing on the veranda of the family home … Read more

The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – Perplexing Trends

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – Perplexing Trends As I have discussed in my previous books, the UFO phenomenon has long been associated with unexplained mutilations of animals, particularly cattle. Although the first public reports came out in 1967, the mutilations began in the mid- 1950s, according to Lieutenant Colonel Philip J. … Read more


Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – AN UNFINISHED STORY Ludwig Pallmann’s book, Cancer Planet Mission, was published in London in 1970. There must have been some promotion, because I recall that a friend heard an interview with him on BBC Radio, and there was an article about him in the Guardian. The … Read more

The Plantation – NEWS

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – NEWS Nearly two years passed. Pallmann bought a property in El Salvador, Central America, a lakeside fishing and hunting lodge affording magnificent views of the surrounding scenery, including the San Vicente volcano. He began writing the manuscript of a book describing his claimed experiences with the … Read more

The Plantation – LOVE AND MARRIAGE

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – LOVE AND MARRIAGE On Itibi Ra II, couples fall in love, marry and have children as we do, but, Pallmann was informed, marriages normally break up soon after the children enter an ‘educational centre’ when they are about six years old. (The ‘seven-year itch’, it … Read more

The Plantation – THE MOMENT OF TRUTH

Alien Base: The Evidence for Extraterrestrial Colonization of Earth – THE MOMENT OF TRUTH That evening, Xiti having left the scene, Satu Ra hailed a rickshaw and informed Pallmann that they were going to visit the ‘Children of God’, the name given to a pitiful, primitive crematorium on the banks of the Ganges. ‘I counted almost … Read more