The universe: How big is the universe?

Did You Know: Space – How big is the universe?

The universe is really, really, really big!

It is so huge that it is difficult to imagine the size of it. Our sun, which is the biggest object in our solar system, is like a speck of dust when compared with the vastness of the universe.

How big is…?

The moon

The moon is our closest neighbor. It might look big in the sky, but it is much smaller than the Earth. It is about a quarter of the Earth’s size.

The sun

The sun is the biggest object in our solar system.
It is so huge that more than one million Earths could fit inside it.


To us, the Earth seems huge.

More than seven billion people live here! However, compared to the biggest planet in our solar system, Jupiter, the Earth is actually very small.

Our solar system

Our solar system is in the Milky Way galaxy. It is so large that if you were to travel to Mars and look into space, Earth would appear like a small star in the sky.