The singer took the throne because she was harmed, she died only to be buried on the side of the road

In the history of feudal China, empresses who were originally dancers and singers were not too rare. However, these people are mostly scheming and cunning women, using their beauty and singing talent to seduce the Emperor, seeking status, power and wealth for themselves.

There was only one exception, that was, the Empress was also from a lowly dancer in the society at that time, but was gentle and kind, loved and adored by the Emperor, and Thanks to that, she brought her whole family to fame during the Han Dynasty. However, this same position caused her to die the most tragic death.

The singer took the throne because she was harmed, she died only to be buried on the side of the road
Wei Zifu – The longest reigning empress of the Han Dynasty. (Illustration).

That Empress is Ve Tu Phu , a singer who came from a poor background to become the mother of the world, but experienced many events, storms in the harem, and jealousy. evil, to sit firmly in the position of Empress for 38 years. At the same time, she is also considered the longest-serving Empress of the Han Dynasty.

Her childhood is not recorded much in history books, only knowing that her mother is Ve Au, who was also a longtime maid in Binh Duong’s palace of Binh Duong Princess. Ve Au was originally a maidservant, but had a talent for dancing and singing, and had a lewd blood. She had many times sneaking back and forth with an official in the palace, giving birth to a son and a daughter, and the daughter born in the “dead body” situation of her mother was none other than Ve Tu Phu. She had a father but was not recognized, so she was born with her mother’s surname.

Just like that, Ve Tu Phu grew up in the miserable childhood years, but because of her mother’s entertainment talent, she succeeded in becoming a singing and dancing maid in the palace of Princess Binh Duong. At that time, the Emperor of the Han Dynasty at this time was Han Vu De, 18 years old had an Empress Tran A Kieu, but because he had been married for a long time, Tran A Kieu still had no children to inherit, this was making Emperor Wu and the bureaucrats in the palace very headache.

And in a coincidence, in 139 BC, Emperor Han Wu returned from a patrol and stopped by the residence of his sister, Princess Binh Duong, to attend a banquet. The princess sent the beauties in the palace to greet them, but Emperor Han Wu paid no attention to anyone. Then the princess sent Ve Tu Phu to dance, sing and pour wine. At this time, Emperor Han Vu was suddenly stunned by the appearance of Wei Tu Phu, whose singing and dancing skills must be said to be flexible, gentle, and extremely beautiful. Not to mention, her long, but still very smooth black hair accidentally made Emperor Han Vu fall in love at first sight.

After that, Emperor Han Wu pretended to change his clothes to leave the party. The princess knew what she meant, and urged Wei Zifu to come in and serve. Wei Tu Phu was favored by the Emperor right in the dressing room. Then when he left Binh Duong’s palace to return to the palace, Emperor Han Vu also brought Ve Tu Phu with him. After that, it was thought that it would be a series of glorious days for Ve Tu Phu when from a lowly woman, he was blessed by the Emperor and brought back to the palace for a bit of status. But no, when he returned to the palace, he was ignored and ignored by the Emperor.

The singer took the throne because she was harmed, she died only to be buried on the side of the road
When leaving the palace of Binh Duong to return to the palace, Emperor Han Wu also brought her Ve Tu Phu with him. (Illustration).

In addition, Queen Tran A Kieu knew about her husband and Ve Tu Phu, so she became jealous. She made Wei Zifu a maidservant under her direct supervision and assigned her to do hard work for a whole year. More than a year later, the eunuch, according to the annual order, selected the elderly palace maids to leave the palace to return to her hometown, Ve Tu Phu found that she no longer had the opportunity to meet the king, and lived a miserable life, so she also ask the eunuch to put on a list to get out of the palace.

However, before the palace ladies left the palace, the eunuch took them to see Emperor Han Wu for the last time to see their faces. Seeing Emperor Vu, whom she once admired and loved but also accidentally pushed her into a tragic situation, Ve Tu Phu burst into tears. So the beautiful face, with red eyes full of emotion but also many unjust things, was noticed by Emperor Han Vu and remembered that this was the year when he was happy in Binh Duong. So Emperor Wu sent someone to bring Wei Zifu back to the palace. From then on, she also began to be favored again.

Not long after, Ve Tu Phu immediately became pregnant, she was even more favored by the Emperor, it can be said that in the palace at this time, her position is only behind the Empress. However, due to her jealous nature, she could not conceive for the Emperor, so Empress Tran A Kieu five times seven times coordinated with her mother to harm Ve Tu Phu, but failed. In 130 BC, the Empress listened to the false gods and used the ancient Vu technique – a very famous witchcraft in feudal China to assassinate Wei Zifu. Song was discovered by Emperor Wu. Emperor Wu of Han angrily removed her title of Empress.

The singer took the throne because she was harmed, she died only to be buried on the side of the road
When Ve Tu Phu immediately became pregnant, she was even more favored by the Emperor. (Illustration).

And after giving the Emperor three princesses, two years later, in 128 BC, Wei Zifu gave birth to a prince named Liu Ju. Not long after that, Prince Luu Cu was ordained Crown Prince, topping the line of succession to the Emperor after his father’s death. As for Ve Tu Phu, she was crowned Queen instead of Tran A Kieu. Therefore, it can be said that everything came to Ve Tu Phu as a lucky chance, from being caught in the eyes of the Emperor with beauty and talent, to being ordained Empress due to being defeated by the Queen of Money. harm duty.

Next, it can be said that the series of glorious days that Ve Tu Phu always wished for when he was greatly favored by the Emperor. However, during the months of holding the throne of the harem, she also proved to be peaceful, gentle, and did not show authority or power or punish any servant or eunuch. Therefore, at this time, in addition to the Emperor, she is also loved by everyone.

The singer took the throne because she was harmed, she died only to be buried on the side of the road
Ve Tu Phu was crowned Empress instead of Tran A Kieu.

Not to mention, thanks to her grace, her younger brother Ve Thanh was also respected by Emperor Han Vu, as close as a real brother-in-law, and even became the second husband of Princess Binh Duong. In addition, Ve Tu Phu’s brother, Wei Truong Quan, was quickly summoned by the Emperor to the palace, becoming an effective henchman.

So from a lowly singing life, Empress Ve Tu Phu contributed to making her whole family enjoy riches and riches, which even in a dream is difficult to see. But people’s hearts are hard to predict, and their hearts are even more difficult to understand. When Emperor Han Wu was old, his disposition changed, becoming a completely different person, which inadvertently pushed the wise Empress Wei Zifu to find herself in a painful death every day.

The singer took the throne because she was harmed, she died only to be buried on the side of the road
Wei Zifu’s body was only hastily buried with a small coffin on the east side of the road next to the boulevard outside Chang’an. (Illustration).

In his old age, Emperor Wu changed to become a king who only knew how to enjoy himself all day. For her part, although Ve Tu Phu has followed him for many years, she has never once made him angry, her temperament is not jovial, always gentle, but as time passes, she soon does not. as young and beautiful as before. Emperor Wu started to get bored with her and adore other beautiful young concubines.

During these months and years, Emperor Wu began to have a superstitious attitude. And once he heard that someone was trying to destroy the emperor and usurp the throne, he immediately sent someone to investigate. Then, he misunderstood his son Luu Cu as the one who plotted to harm his father, so he angrily dethroned the Crown Prince and sent someone to arrest Liu Cu. Knowing the story, Liu Cu escaped from the palace, living outside Truong An citadel. Not yet relieved of his anger because Liu Ju was able to escape, he immediately turned to vent his anger on Wei Zifu. He ordered someone to confiscate the Empress’s seal, cut off all the benefits of the Wei family. The queen was frustrated and immediately sought death by committing suicide.

Thus, the once-illustrious Wei family perished. Wei Zifu’s body was only hastily buried with a small coffin on the east side of the road next to the boulevard outside Chang’an. This can be said to be a tragic but unjust ending of a queen who was born in a catechism, was more virtuous and gentler than others, and stayed at the throne for the longest time in the Han dynasty for up to 38 years. .