The scariest tourist places on the planet

Just knowing the secrets hidden behind these places, surely visitors will not dare to go there.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

Deep in the island of Spitsbergen in Norway lies a secret bunker. This is a plant conservation place, storing a lot of precious plants, even if there is a human disaster, rest assured that if this place is not destroyed, everything will be restored. It is built to last about 200 years and withstands earthquakes and explosions.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

North Sentinel Island is one of the few tribes in the world that is not exposed to modern civilization. It is believed that the tribe survived by hunting, fishing, and weeds, with no signs of agriculture or fire. In 2006, the tribe killed two people trying to enter their territory. Currently, this island is a top secret place that no one is allowed to visit.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

An ancient historian Strabo visited this place and said that “Any animal that goes inside will die instantly”. The danger of the hole was proven in 1986, scientists measured CO2 levels during the day to be normal, but at night when the temperature is cold, the amount of CO2 becomes high, turning the place. This is a deadly pit.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

One of the most mysterious and scary places that few people know is the crypt with 6 million people buried at the foot of the Elffel Tower. Inside this crypt is a 170km long labyrinth, and only part of it is open to tourists.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

Poveglia is the most mysterious and terrifying island in the world. It all started when the Roman Empire used the island to house plague patients. Then, during the medieval period, when the plague returned, the island once again became the burial ground of thousands of the dead. It is said that about 50% of the land here is ashes of human bones. In 1922, people opened a mental hospital here and confirmed it to be safe. However, this place is still really haunted.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

Ilha da Queimada is located off the coast of Brazil in the Atlantic Ocean. This island is threatened with extinction, it has been closed to protect snakes. It is estimated that 1 snake appears for every 1 square meter.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

1986 was the year of the most tragic nuclear accident known as the Chernobyl disaster. Due to the high radiation levels, the people here were ordered to leave immediately and the land was quickly abandoned. This place until now has not been dared to visit because the level of radioactive pollution is still very heavy.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

Area 51 is an American military base north of Las Vegas. It is considered one of the most mysterious places in the world since the US government denied its existence. This place is also considered a UFO base, there are very few people who dare to come here.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

This mysterious subway system is used to connect administrative agencies such as the Kremlin, Vnukovo-2 airport. It is also said to be a tunnel for high-ranking officials to escape during the war. The Moscow metro authorities denied the existence of this tunnel, but in 1994 an urban mining group found the entrance to the underground system.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

This cave is covered with ancient paintings on the wall. It is believed that the age of the paintings is estimated at 17,000 years. In 1940, it was discovered by Marcel Ravida (18 years old), many people wondered about their origin and meaning. The opening to visit the cave during World War II changed the atmosphere inside, along with with the light of electricity caused irreparable damage. The cave was closed in 1963.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

If the Earth is our home, then Death Valley is the incinerator of the Earth. The temperature here reaches 56.7°C which will exhaust you very quickly. Without water, you can only live here for about 14 hours.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

The temperature here is usually higher than 50°C, there are many active volcanoes. Many people consider this to be “hell on earth”. It attracts many brave adventurers from all over the world. Note that entering the Danakil Desert alone without an experienced guide is strictly prohibited.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

Wind speed atop Mount Washington holds the world record with 327 km/h. However, strong winds are not the only concern. Freezing temperatures that can drop to minus 40 degrees Celsius and constant heavy snowfall make Mount Washington a very dangerous place.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

This is an active volcano located on the Indonesian island of Sumatra. Nearby towns and villages were covered with lava and ash in 2010, 2013, 2014 and 2015. The most recent volcanic eruption occurred on February 27, 2016 and no one knows what. will happen tomorrow.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

At first glance, this place seems very charming, but very dangerous. The reason is that here are the most poisonous and ferocious animals in the world. The plants can cause itching, rashes, and dizziness. Any cut, or even a minor wound, can become infected with tropical parasites.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

The Kamchatka Peninsula in the Russian Far East, also has Death Valley. The high concentrations of toxic gases in this area pose a serious threat to all living things. People who come here will quickly feel exhausted, have fever, dizziness and chills.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

This island looks like a paradise, but it is home to many nuclear testing programs. This has turned the picturesque island into a radioactive wasteland. People were forced to leave their homes because of abnormally high levels of radiation that can cause cancer.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

This is one of the most dangerous volcanoes on the planet. Small earthquakes are constantly shaking the area. Erta Ale contains two lava lakes in the crater. The changing amount of lava caused the ground here to vibrate continuously.

The scariest tourist places on the planet

The alkaline salt crust on the surface of the lake is so dangerous that all living things will die on contact with it. Therefore, swimming in the lake is strictly prohibited. The smell of hydrogen sulphide from the surface of the lake will not allow visitors to admire this beautiful landscape for long.