The city originates from a tragedy, "smells" all year round

Due to its high sulfur content, the city has long been known for its year-round smell of rotten eggs.

The city of Rotorua in New Zealand is home to the most unique geothermal phenomenon in the world. Located part of the Taupo volcanic region, Rotorua is a geothermal epicenter. This is shown through geysers, boiling mud pools, hot springs… All create a characteristic sulfur smell that resembles the smell of rotten eggs.

The city originates from a tragedy, "smells" all year round
“Sulfur City” has a special geographical location and geothermal phenomenon, so it has a characteristic rotten egg smell.

Therefore, Roturua is also known as the “sulfur city” due to the amount of hydrogen sulfide gas released from the geysers. Thanks to its location on the Pacific volcanic belt, the city in the center of New Zealand’s North Island has become the focus of all of the country’s natural energy.

The city originates from a tragedy, "smells" all year round
The city “smells” all year round but is an interesting destination in New Zealand.

But few people know, this beautiful city has its origin from a tragedy in the past. In June 1886, the eruption of Mount Tarawera occurred on the North Island near Rotorua, then extended to Waimangu, New Zealand.

This is the deadliest volcanic eruption in New Zealand since the arrival of Europeans here, leaving about 120 people dead, many settlements destroyed or buried.

The city originates from a tragedy, "smells" all year round
The city has many geysers, boiling mud pools to hot springs…

But this disaster did not stop the city’s subsequent growth. Rotorua was rebuilt thanks to the persistence of the people, and is now known as New Zealand’s best city, as well as a cultural and spiritual symbol of the Maori people.

Visitors enjoy the experience of soaking in the natural hot springs containing sulfur

Although the water here has a smell, the food cooked from this water source brings a special flavor, very attractive. Visitors from far away may not be familiar with this characteristic smell, but gradually experience the immersion in the waters of nature.

The city originates from a tragedy, "smells" all year round
This is also the place where all of New Zealand’s natural energy is concentrated.

Another special feature in Rotorua is that the hotels here all have massage tubs using natural hot water. Soaking in sulfur-containing water is both relaxing and good for the skin.