Discovery Science: Genetics Human- Hereditary rules

Earth Science: Genetics Human- Hereditary rules Classic genetics is the study of hereditary laws of individuals passing genes to their descendants. The first geneticist was a monk called Johann Gregor Mendel, who formulated the first genetic laws during the 19th century. Initially, Mendel carried out his experiments using homozygous pea plants, which only differed in … Read more

Discovery Science: Genetics and Heredity – Genes

Earth Science: Genetics and Heredity – Genetics The science of genetics examines the mechanisms governing the inheritance of traits by the offspring of living things. Within the field, a distinction is often made between general or classical genetics, which deals mainly with the formal aspects of heredity, and molecular genetics, which researches the underlying phenomena … Read more

Discovery Science: Genetics and Heredity

Earth Science: Genetics and Heredity After Gregor Mendel made the first fundamental discoveries about the inheritance of genetic information some 150 years ago, many further questions about genome functioning and structure could be answered. Within a relatively short period of time humans have gained much valuable knowledge about fundamental molecular processes involved in gene expression, … Read more