The Unification Of Physics (Part 3)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking Another problem is that there are at least four different string theories (open strings and three different closed string theories) and millions of ways in which the extra dimensions predicted by string theory could be curled up. Why should just one string theory and one kind of … Read more

The Unification Of Physics (Part 2)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking String theory has a curious history. It was originally invented in the late 1960s in an attempt to find a theory to describe the strong force. The idea was that particles like the proton and the neutron could be regarded as waves on a string. The strong … Read more

The Unification Of Physics (Part 1)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking As was explained in the first chapter, it would be very difficult to construct a complete unified theory of everything in the universe all at one go. So instead we have made progress by finding partial theories that describe a limited range of happenings and by neglecting … Read more

Wormholes and Time Travel (Part 1)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking The last chapter discussed why we see time go forward: why disorder increases and why we remember the past but not the future. Time was treated as if it were a straight railway line on which one could only go one way or the other. But what … Read more

Wormholes and Time Travel (Part 2)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking The quantum laws are more liberal and allow you to be overdrawn on one or two accounts provided the total balance is positive. In other words, quantum theory allows the energy density to be negative in some places, provided that this is made up for by positive … Read more

The Arrow Of Time (Part 2)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking But why should the thermodynamic arrow of time exist at all? Or, in other words, why should the universe be in a state of high order at one end of time, the end that we call the past? Why is it not in a state of complete … Read more

The Arrow Of Time (Part 1)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking In previous chapters we have seen how our views of the nature of time have changed over the years. Up to the beginning of this century people believed in an absolute time. That is, each event could be labeled by a number called “time” in a unique … Read more

The Origin and Fate Of The Universe (Part 2)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking In some cases there would be errors in the reproduction. Mostly these errors would have been such that the new macromolecule could not reproduce itself and eventually would have been destroyed. However, a few of the errors would have produced new macromolecules that were even better at … Read more

The Origin and Fate Of The Universe (Part 3)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking A second objection to the strong anthropic principle is that it runs against the tide of the whole history of science. We have developed from the geocentric cosmologies of Ptolemy and his forebears, through the heliocentric cosmology of Copernicus and Galileo, to the modern picture in which … Read more

The Origin and Fate Of The Universe (Part 4)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking The day after I got back from Moscow I set out for Philadelphia, where I was due to receive a medal from the Franklin Institute. My secretary, Judy Fella, had used her not inconsiderable charm to persuade British Airways to give herself and me free seats on … Read more