Discovery Science: Ethology – What is Behavior?

Earth Science: Biology – Ethology Behavioral science is a branch of biology that studies the behavior of living organisms. Such behavior may include body posture, vocal sounds, changes in color, and the release of scent pheromones. Complex behavioral patterns can often be divided into macro (e.g., reproduction) and micro (e.g., courtship displays) behavioral categories. Earth … Read more

Discovery Science: Biology – Ethology

Earth Science: Biology – Ethology Ethology is the study of animal or human behavior. A relatively new branch of biology, the field of ethology first had to concern itself with developing methods to attain objective and reproducible results. The foremost questions for ethologists today include determining which forms of behavior are genetically determined, or inborn, … Read more

Discovery Science: Earth – Evolution – Systematics

Earth Science: Biology – Evolution – Classification Of Living Things Since ancient times, people have sought to systematically organize living organisms. Former classifications of the past mainly took outer features into consideration which was not necessarily very meaningful. Therefore, they often do not reflect the actual genetic relationships between organisms. Today, scientists can use modern … Read more