Strange places like on another planet

These are bizarre locations so different, they seem to originate from another world.

Strange places like on another planet
The term Bermuda Triangle was coined in 1964 by a writer named Vincent Gaddis.

The Bermuda Triangle is a sea located in the western Atlantic Ocean. The reason is, this area is famous around the world for a series of mysterious disappearances of ships and planes operating in the area. Disappeared with the sailors and crew, making the mysteries of this area even more mysterious with ghostly colors.

The term Bermuda Triangle was coined in 1964 by a writer named Vincent Gaddis. However, more than a decade later, the Bermuda Triangle officially became the international term used to refer to the sea with the limit from Bermuda Island to the north, the US city of Miami to the west – South and the American island of Puerto Rico.

Up to the present time, a series of theories have been put forward about the strange disappearance of ships and planes in this strange place, but it is still not possible to determine the exact cause of the mass. the above incident. Because of that, the Bermuda Triangle has become more and more famous and has become the subject of endless exploitation of the press, cinema and literature.

The strange river Shanay-Timpishka means “boiling with the heat of the sun” . It has been known to the indigenous community living in the Amazon for centuries, but has never appeared on the map. They believe that the hot water is spewed from the giant snake god Yacumama – the mother of Water, who is symbolized by a rock in the shape of a snake’s head upstream of the river.

Strange places like on another planet
The temperature here is hot enough that anyone who touches it for even a few seconds will get 3rd degree burns.

The river is about 25m wide and 6m deep, but only 6.4km long. Shanay-Timpishka is so hot that any animal that accidentally touches it is immediately cooked. Specific figures measured up to 91 degrees Celsius, and scientists still cannot understand why this phenomenon can happen. Usually hot water sources are due to the influence of nearby volcanoes, but Shanay-Timpishka is 700km away from the nearest related site. The temperature here is hot enough that anyone who touches it for even a few seconds will get 3rd degree burns.

A big question is where the river’s heat comes from. According to Andrés Ruzo, a geophysicist from Peru, who first noticed boiling rivers in 2011 said: “From chemical analysis, he showed that river water comes from rains. After As rainwater falls, it is likely that the rainwater seeps deep into the ground, where it is heated by the Earth’s geothermal heat, before flowing into the Amazon.In other words, the river is part of a huge hydrothermal system. “.

Besides, there is also a hypothesis: Boiling water is influenced by temperature from underground fissures deep below the geological surface, making the river a special and difficult geothermal system. understand.

Strange places like on another planet
The first Antarctic explorers thought that the red color was due to the presence of red algae.

The McMurdo Dry Valley in Antarctica is one of the most inhospitable places in the world. Nothing can survive in this extremely cold and sub-zero temperature.

However, the phenomenon of a blood-red liquid flowing from Taylor Glacier into Lake Bonney surprised everyone.

Antarctic pioneers first attributed the red color to the presence of red algae, but it was later proven to be solely due to the presence of iron oxide. Scientists have discovered the entire bloodfall is an ecosystem of archaea trapped for millennia underground, without the nutrients that nourish them from the outside world. Analyzing water samples including chemicals and microorganisms, scientists confirmed that this is an ecosystem of rare autotrophic bacteria under the surface of the glacier.

Strange places like on another planet
Well water was found to contain very high concentrations of minerals.

This strange well is located on the banks of the River Nidd, near the town of Knaresborough in North Yorkshire (England). It is the place to receive water flowing down from a cliff that looks like a smiling skull, and scary is that everything you put in the water is… turned to stone.

After decades, locals believe that the well is possessed by demons. Many curious people place common objects near a water source to witness firsthand the incredible transformation that takes place in a few weeks. Some relics can still be seen today, such as a Victorian top hat or a beret from the 80s, both objects are solid rock. Recently, stuffed bears, kettles and even bicycles were placed in the well, with similar results.

The oldest documents mentioning this well were written by John Leyland, an archaeologist of the time of Henry VIII. In 1538, he recorded: people believed that this well had miraculous healing powers, a long bath in the well water could contain many diseases.

Today scientists have come to analyze samples of well water and debunk ghostly myths about it. Well water was found to contain very high concentrations of minerals. Objects covered with well water for a long time will form a hard and thick mineral layer outside, making them petrified.

Strange places like on another planet
Atlantis was first known from Plato’s records (428 BC – 348 BC).

The place where the continent of Atlantis is located is one of the greatest mysteries of human history. Although mentioned a lot in myths and epic stories, no traces of Atlantis have been found, raising many doubts about the existence of the continent. Atlantis was first known through the records of Plato (428 BC – 348 BC) – one of the greatest Greek sages in history.

Accordingly, Atlantis is a mythical island – a naval power located “in front of the Pillars of Hercules” mentioned in the dialogue of 360 BC. The island’s navy conquered much of Western Europe and Africa during the period of 9,600 BC. However, not long after the plan to invade Athens failed, Atlantis sank into the ocean during “one day and night of misfortune”.

However, a series of modern studies confirm that the existence and disappearance of Atlantis is absurd. In fact, the continents do move, but it takes tens of millions of years to recognize. Therefore, it is not possible in just one night that the island where the prosperous city was built can disappear without a trace under the ocean.

Although scientific conclusions about Atlantis have been made, many people still believe in the existence of this continent. Even, based on satellite images of the Atlantic seafloor, some people even claim to have found traces of Atlantis. Almost immediately, these claims caught the attention of the world.

The place where the Catatumbo River meets Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela is unique in the world with 260 stormy days a year, and a record rate of lightning strikes with 28 sparks falling every minute. There are many theories about this supernatural phenomenon such as because strong winds swept across the lake’s surface forming clouds when they hit the Andes mountains. Other theories attribute it to bogs that are emitting methane.

Strange places like on another planet
Catatumbo is the place to record the number and frequency of lightning strikes in the world.

Catatumbo lightning is a special atmospheric phenomenon in Venezuela. It occurs only at the mouth of the Catatumbo River – the area that empties into Lake Maracaibo, Zulia state, in the northwest of the country. This is the place where the number and frequency of lightning strikes are recorded the most in the world. Catatumbo lightning originates from large storm clouds at altitudes above 5,000m.

The locals know about Catatumbo lightning centuries ago. They once called this phenomenon “rib a-ba ” or “river of fire” and considered it a sign of the gods. In the colonial era of the Caribbean, sailors used the light from lightning as a guiding lighthouse.

However, still no one has figured out the exact reason why this phenomenon occurs. Until recently, a number of well-founded hypotheses have been proposed, one of which is related to the underlying geological bedrock that contains a lot of uranium , although the accuracy is still uncertain. In addition, there is another more likely conjecture, which is the complex working mechanisms of different hot and cold air flows and water vapor in the air.

The Catatumbo lightning has entered the Guinness Book of World Records this year, taking the title of “place with the most lightning strikes in the world” with 250 lightning strikes per square kilometer per year, from the Congolese town of Kifuka.

Strange places like on another planet
The lava of this place has an iridescent blue color that is nowhere to be found.

In 2015, the Kawah Ijen volcano in Indonesia spewed blue lava like electric currents. This is a cone-shaped volcano in the east of Java island, the crater is about 22km in diameter. Mount Gunung Merapi, which means “mountain of fire” , is the highest peak of this mountain range.

Kawah Ijen’s lava eruption is truly unique in the world, especially at night. The lava of this mountain is practically no different from other places in terms of cohesion, speed of spread and high temperature. In Kawah Ijen, however, the heat released from the lava ignited another substance, sulfur in ravines and from the rocks. Therefore, the lava of this place has an iridescent blue color that is not found anywhere else. Not only that, the large amount of sulfur when ignited has created 5m high fire pillars.

That is also the reason why the air here is quite toxic and everyone who comes near must wear a protective mask. Even so, the workers here still have to work near that atmosphere, day and night influenced by them.

Located in the middle of Lake Lahotan (in the Black Rock Desert, Nevada, USA) is a strange and beautiful underground water called Fly.

With special colors created by minerals, seaweed and cyanobacteriae (bacteria that are green and blue), the landscape here makes visitors feel like they are walking on the surface of Mars.

This strange geyser is located right next to the edge of the lake, with a height of 1.5m and about 3.6m if the height of the land below is included. In 1916, the owner of a private ranch drilled a well in the hope that the desert would turn into fertile grassland, when he accidentally hit a pocket of geothermal water. Thus, this geyser was born.

Strange places like on another planet
The water from this geyser is pushed upwards continuously.

But the geyser that was formed at that time was not like the geyser now. It is just a single faucet and is quite small. Around the 1960s, the geyser found another weak point in the crust and from there, another completely natural geyser was born and exists today. This time, the pressure of the water created not just one nozzle but multiple nozzles in multiple places on the new structure. Powerful jets of water now spray in different directions, contributing to its monstrous appearance.

The old geyser no longer gushes. It is thought that, in a way, the old geyser has been “destroyed” by the new one, or maybe it is simply waiting for the right amount of time to “revive” . Since the 60s, this geyser has grown significantly and takes on the appearance of a colorful structure like it is now. It rests on a “podium ” made of mud and dirt.

Below is a small pond with its own ecosystem. Covering the geyser is thermophilic algae – a heat-resistant microorganism that thrives in hot environments.

The water from this geyser is pushed upwards continuously. The faucets can spray up to 2m high into the air.

The mix of various minerals including sulfur reacted with the oxygen present in the air, giving the water its vibrant colors.

Although there have been many organizations intending to buy this land and open the geyser to the public as an official attraction, the owner of this place still firmly refused. The land is still thoroughly privatized with a fence around it. Visitors must have permission to visit.