"Red river" in China: The rain falls and changes color, the drink made from this river water is famous for everyone

Changjiang is the largest river in China, and is also known as the gentle mother river, forming the long-standing culture of the country of billions of people.

For those who like to visit the charming scenery, the two banks of Truong Giang are the choice not to be missed. But you know what? In the tributary of Truong Giang there is a very special tributary, every time it rains, it becomes a red river . Is there such a miracle?

"Red river" in China: The rain falls and changes color, the drink made from this river water is famous for everyone
This river is located at the confluence of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces, and is called the Chishui River.

The name of this flaming red river is also very simple, it is called Chishui River , located at the confluence of Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces, also a place famous for many delicious wines.

Why is this river called Chich Thuy? In the past, Xich Thuy river was also known as An Lac Thuy or Dai Thiep Thuy. In fact, there is a legend that when it rains, the water here turns red.

In fact, this color change phenomenon is not a legend, but has a solid scientific basis. Upstream of the Chich Thuy River, there is a valley containing red soil and rocks . After a long period of weathering, this rock has become softer and more fragile.

When it rains, the river water rises and is mixed with the mud upstream. Since this rock is red, the water will change color as well. Looking from a distance like a red river makes those who do not understand immediately feel a bit creepy.

The name Chich Thuy also came from that. “Chain” in Chinese means red.

The legend of the river is red.

"Red river" in China: The rain falls and changes color, the drink made from this river water is famous for everyone
When it rains, the river water rises and is mixed with the mud upstream, so the river water is red.

There is a very mysterious legend about this river. It was a Dragon King who lived at the bottom of the Chich Thuy River. The day is usually very quiet, but when it comes to thunder and rain, the Dragon King becomes very violent. Whenever the Dragon King gets angry, the river water here will turn red.

In addition to the river changing color, there is another strange phenomenon that every time it rains, many species of centipedes in the area on both sides of the river will crawl out in droves. It is thought that this phenomenon is to prevent humans from disturbing the peace of the Dragon King.

However, according to scientific explanation, the rain causes the river water to rise, leading to loss of shelter, so the snakes and insects living near the two banks have to crawl to high places.

The emergence of these legends comes from the fact that humans have no way of explaining some natural phenomena.

The river is famous for many natural resources


The river water turns red every time it rains, surprising many people. What is the mystery behind this strange phenomenon?
A “golden river” suddenly appeared in South Africa
This strange river is called Chich Thuy. It is a tributary of the upper Yangtze River in China. At first, the Chich Thuy River looks very ordinary like many other rivers. However, every time it rains, the river water suddenly turns red and becomes extremely scary.

Accordingly, in a short time, the river water suddenly turned red like blood. According to the legend of the local people, every time the river water changes color, the evil dragon attacks the monster.

So, where is the secret of this river?

Chich Thuy River when it doesn’t rain.

According to experts, this strange river is called Chich Thuy, which means red water. The river originates in the mountains in the northeast of Yunnan province and flows through three provinces of Yunnan, Sichuan and Guizhou.

In ancient times, this river was called Xich Hui, which means evil dragon in the water. Local people often believe that every time it rains, the evil dragon in the river will act like a monster. This causes the river water to turn blood red.

Moreover, the two banks of the river at this time also appear many poisonous snakes. However, this is just a folk legend.

Why is the water of Chich Thuy river red?

However, when it rains, the water of Chich Thuy River turns red like blood.
According to scientists, there is Hong Thach mountain valley in Dai Dong town, southwest of Chi Thuy city. There is a section of the river that feeds into the mountain bed about 200 m. Around this area is red sandstone which is very soft and easily abraded.

Experiencing wind and rain, this sandstone is gradually eroded into fine red sand. Therefore, every time it rains, the river water rises, causing a large amount of sand poured into the mountain ravine to flow into the Chich Thuy River, resulting in a scene like a “dragon spewing flood”. The water of the Chishu River turned red like blood.

Turns out this is just a normal phenomenon. Despite knowing the exact cause from scientists, many people still can’t help but marvel at this special phenomenon. Truly amazing nature!

With a length of 436.5 km, the Chich Thuy River is home to a complete ecosystem with rich biological resources. Specifically, there are more than 3,000 species of animals living and this place is also a “paradise” for many rare and endemic fish species in the upper Yangtze River. At the same time, the Chich Thuy River is also a place of great significance for the construction of ecological fences in this place.

According to experts, the Chishui River is one of the important waterways connecting the two provinces of Sichuan and Guizhou in China. As a matter of fact, salt consumption in Sichuan, coal and bamboo production in Guizhou province are mainly imported and exported through this river.

"Red river" in China: The rain falls and changes color, the drink made from this river water is famous for everyone
After the rain, the river turns red.

Chich Thuy River is a tourist mecca possessing a unique landscape. After the rain, the river turns red. If it coincides with the sunset, the whole space here will be tinged with a bright red color, creating an extremely beautiful scene.

Visitors to the area on both sides of the Chich Thuy River can learn about the long-standing wine culture and taste a variety of delicious wines.

During the Han Dynasty, residents on both sides of the river knew how to make wine. Up to now, 60% of the famous wines in the country mostly come from here . For example, China’s most famous Maotai wine. The main reason why the wine here is so famous: Chishui is the only tributary of the Truong Giang that is not polluted .

"Red river" in China: The rain falls and changes color, the drink made from this river water is famous for everyone
60% of famous wines in China mostly come from here.

Excellent water quality has brewed many delicious wines, including Mao Dai. Many people believe that even though the water is not polluted, there are still a lot of bacteria and sandy soil in the water, accordingly brewing wine from the water of the Chich Thuy river is unhygienic.

In fact, the color of the Chich Thuy River changes with the seasons. The period from the Lunar New Year (June) to the Tet Trung Duong (October) is the rainy season in the Xich Thuy River, so the river water turns the darkest red containing dense silt.

Outside of this time, the river water is still in a clear blue state. People will take this water to make wine after purification and sterilization.