Only 3 people out of 7 billion people in the world have a special red passport

Considered a rare travel document, these three special passports do not have as many privileges as imagined.

Passport is a document that everyone who wants to travel abroad must have. It is a necessary condition for you to enter and exit international airports and terminals. In each country, millions of passports are printed to serve the travel needs of people.

Passport has always been known as a document with the function of identifying nationality and personal information to help us enter countries around the world. Besides the ordinary passports, there are three special passports that very few people know about, which are the passports of the Order of the Knights of Salvation , also known as the Order of Soldiers Governor General of Malta.

This is a Roman Catholic religious order, members of which are the oldest European knights. These people represent chivalrous, chivalrous images. That is also the reason why the above passport is also called by many other names: Knight’s Passport.

Only 3 people out of 7 billion people in the world have a special red passport
The red passport of the Governor General of Malta is so rare that only 3 people in the world own it.

Passports are issued to the Supreme Council, its heads and diplomats, and their relatives and families. In addition, it is also granted to high-ranking characters, in charge of special missions.

It is known that only three people holding the highest positions of the Order of Soldiers Governor General of Malta have the right to own this special passport. Those chosen to receive the prestigious passport of the Order of the Knights of Salvation are the Supreme Knight, the Supreme Knight Representative and the Chancellor.

According to recorded history, the Order of the Knights Salvation was recognized by Pope Paschal in 1113 and is one of the oldest institutions of Christianity. Besides the passport, the rights of the Knights of Malta are also reflected in the license plates, stamps and coins.

Only 3 people out of 7 billion people in the world have a special red passport
Two official passport forms of the Order of Soldiers Governor General of Malta.

Although there are only 3 passports in the world, the owners of these passports do not receive too many privileges. Even, many countries in the world do not accept people with this type of passport to enter on tourist visas such as the United Kingdom, the United States and New Zealand.

Currently the line operates as a charity, providing medical aid globally and does not control any territory despite having diplomatic relations with more than 100 countries. The Order of the Knights of Mercy has more than 13,500 knights, nuns, and clerics along with 80,000 volunteers and 25,000 medical staff.

Only 3 people out of 7 billion people in the world have a special red passport
The three passport holders of the Order of the Order of the Salvation Army include the Knights High, the Representative of the Supreme Knights and the Chancellor.

Only 3 people out of 7 billion people in the world have a special red passport
Former Supreme Knight of the Order of the Order of the Salvation Army and owner of a rare passport (right) meets with Pope Francis in 2016.