The Academy Awards, commonly known as the Oscars, are film awards given by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (USA). Since 1928, the Oscars have been awarded annually in the city of Los Angeles to recognize the outstanding achievements of cinema of the year by directors, actors, screenwriters and many other fields.
When it was first invented, cinema was only considered as films recording scenes of daily life, but shortly after, films were created with certain cultural meanings and quickly became a important art form. Cinema has also become an indispensable form of entertainment in everyday life, sometimes developing into cultural phenomena or being used as a means of propaganda.
Many film festivals, film awards are held every year and attract the attention of millions of Saturday art fans. Oscar is one of the most prestigious awards that any film wants to achieve. A question that has been raised to many people, is there any criteria for a movie to win the best picture, or is it possible to predict which film will win an Oscar?
Based on the data of the Oscars in previous years, the following infographic provides the basis for predicting the film will win the Oscar.