Iron Grotto: Kung Fu is for those who dare to endure "incomprehensible pain"

In China, there are men who endure the pain of having a 2 meter long 40 kg log slam into their crotch, several times a day.

Wang Liutai is no ordinary kung fu master. The 65-year-old man from a village in central China is practicing a unique and seemingly terrifying martial art every day, dubbed “iron kung fu”.

Iron Grotto: Kung Fu is for those who dare to endure "incomprehensible pain"
A 40kg log rushed to hit a man’s crotch.

The most famous technique of this sect is to use a log suspended by steel wire, 2 meters long and 40 kg, for it to rush to hit a man’s crotch.

“When you do irons, as long as you push yourself, you’ll feel great,” said Wang, head of the Juntun Martial Arts Academy.

Wang, who has practiced the technique for about half a century and has two children, asserts that with the right methods and enough practice, it does not hurt and does not affect fertility.

Iron Grotto: Kung Fu is for those who dare to endure "incomprehensible pain"
This technique is practiced by hitting the weakest points of the body.

The “iron groin” trained by hitting the weakest points of the body while using the breathing technique of qigong to strengthen oneself, is only one element of the kung fu branch of Tongbeiquan (Tongbeiquan ). has been practiced in Wang’s village for the past 300 years. This style also includes a number of techniques for attacking as well as resisting pressure, taking pain or receiving blows to various sensitive areas.

“We also have an iron throat, an iron head, an iron chest and an iron back,” said fellow student Tang Xiaocheng, 53.

The style of martial arts practiced by the people of Juntun village, located on the outskirts of the historic ancient capital Luoyang, is a closely guarded secret. But concern is growing about fewer and fewer people using it and making it possible for it to fade away.

Iron Grotto: Kung Fu is for those who dare to endure "incomprehensible pain"
The number of people who can practice the “iron groin” technique is only 5 people.

Mr. Tang said there used to be about 200 people regularly practicing in the village, but now there are just over 20 people left. The number of people who can practice the “iron groin” technique has decreased from about 80 people to just 5 people.

That is why Wang and his masters began to actively promote their martial art style, demonstrating it with techniques such as attacking by kicking, punching or using bricks or sticks.

Their efforts have helped bring in a number of new students in cities around the country who are learning remotely via social media or videos posted online.

“If more practitioners practice and spread it to the country and the world, if they can move this form of martial arts forward, then my dream will come true,” Wang said.