Interesting things about water you may not know

Water is a very familiar substance around us, but it still contains many interesting things that you may not know.

Water has the ability to heal diseases, revive living things from the dead and there are many mysteries that mankind still does not know about this strange liquid.

In 1956, Southeast Asian military scientists attempted to create a biological weapon of mass destruction.

During the meeting about this weapon, all the participants were taken to the hospital and diagnosed with severe poisoning. An investigation was immediately conducted. The only thing the scientists have put into the person is water and does not contain any poison. And they concluded: Fresh water poisoning.

Interesting things about water you may not know

In the winter of 1881, the ship Laura set anchor in Liverpool for San Francisco. On the third day of the voyage, the ship caught fire and the sailors climbed into the lifeboats. Water reserves are quickly depleted.

After 3 weeks floating in the ocean, the crew came ashore and told their miracle. “We actually drank sea water to survive. In despair, we tried to think in our minds that the sea water was gradually turning from blue to transparent like fresh water. And when we drank that imaginary water, it is fresh water. Unmistakable”.

In 1976, an interesting hypothesis was proposed, one that could explain water’s puzzling properties: water has the ability to remember . Experiments in many parts of the world have proven that water receives and stores external influences, remembering everything that happens around it. Everything that comes in contact with water will leave a mark.

Russian professor Korotkova has conducted many experiments to find out the connection between human emotions and the properties of water.

A group of people were asked to infuse emotions such as love, passion and gratitude, and negative thoughts and emotions such as fear, hatred, and anger into a glass of water in front of them. These water samples were then analyzed and showed that the water quality varied in completely opposite directions.

Interesting things about water you may not know
It is foolish to satirize others – Cruelty – Harmony

Interesting things about water you may not know
Love and Gratitude

Interesting things about water you may not know
Thanks – Peace, friendliness – Honesty

Interesting things about water you may not know
Hateful attitude

(Changed structures of water when exposed to different emotional currents.) “So love increases the energy level in the water and balances it. On the contrary, negative emotions reduce the energy of the water and cause major changes in the water,” concludes Professor Korotkova.

Professor Emoto Masaru of Japan also conducted similar experiments. In his lab, water samples are exposed to various external factors and then analyzed after being frozen.

In particular, the crystals of water samples exposed to microwave ovens and phones all had irregular shapes and cracked. Water samples exposed to thoughts such as thank you, know the error, had a well-balanced crystal shape with a geometrical structure.

Not only that, when using this balanced water to grow plants, the seedlings will have a photosynthesis rate 6 times higher than that of plants because of normal water, fruits ripen faster and increase trace elements. good for health.

This type of water reduces the amount of water needed for irrigation by 20% while the yield remains unchanged. They did not need to use any fertilizer other than water with the composition of water still only H2O. The only thing that has changed is the structure of the water.

“The water that we are using every day has to go through a difficult journey. Their natural structure has been broken,” said researcher Leonid Izvekov, Russia.

Australian researcher Allois Gruber also said that water after flowing through the man-made system has lost all its vitality. The water supplied to large cities goes through a closed cycle, it is filtered, treated and returned to humans while keeping information about the chemicals and abuse it suffered. It is almost “dead” before we drink it.

Interesting things about water you may not know
Han-gang River, Korea

Interesting things about water you may not know

Interesting things about water you may not know
dianshan lake, China

We are polluting the water mentally. Such water will take away the energy of the person who drinks it.

“The truth is that bottled water is very clean, good and contains minerals, but it is still dead water, without energy and without life,” said Professor Korotkov. If you put 2 bowls of water, one contains spring water, the other contains artificial mineral water, your dog will drink spring water because the spring water contains full of the energy of nature in it.

In another experiment, Professor Emoto said: “This water contains a lot of information. If we put it inside the body, it will be able to affect the personality of the person.”

In an experiment on the effect of water on blood in the human body, doctors took a small drop of blood from a patient’s finger and examined it under a microscope. “The red blood cells have lost their electricity and stick together. This is a sign of people prone to heart disease, arthritis and lung disease,” commented Nevada immunologist. The patient was then given a glass of water that had been positively restructured and tested again after 12 minutes. As a result, the red blood cells have returned to their normal state.

Professor Emoto did the experiment on three different cups of rice water. Every day, he said “thank you” to the first cup, “stupid” to the second, and said nothing to the third. After a month, the rice in the first cup fermented alcohol and gave off a pleasant smell. Tolerance, the rice in the 2nd cup turned black, and the rice in the 3rd cup was moldy and rotten.

As for Tibetan medicine, Dr. Ogun Bolson said that they do not use water to cure diseases because maybe people are already water. What patients need to do is purify their body by reciting scriptures or praying. However, this method is still questionable for scientists.

In all the religions of the world, Christian, Muslim or Jewish have a ritual of prayer before eating. Have you ever wondered what the purpose of this action is? What science today is trying to understand seems to have long been clear to our ancestors. The vibration and frequency of the prayers of any religion and any language are similar to the frequency of the Earth’s magnetic field.

It is this that creates a harmonious structure for water – the main ingredient in food. “We now understand the importance of religious rituals in changing the structure of water,” said Professor Korotkov.

The scientists also analyzed samples of holy water in the church. “When using this water with animals or plants that are dying, they will be revived,” said Professor Kaznacheev.On January 18, the researchers took two bottles of daily toilet water and placed one in the water. They were then brought to a laboratory for comparison. The results showed that the crystals of the water jar often had a very chaotic shape while the water from the church had the symmetrical shape of a star. Six sides.

Interesting things about water you may not know
Water in Lake Biwa before and after prayer

Interesting things about water you may not know
Fujiwara before and after the Buddhist prayer ceremony

Interesting things about water you may not know
Bahamas before and after prayer

In 1999, Professor Emoto also exposed water to different types of music and then examined their crystal structures. “Why have we never seen a fight in classical concerts? Why are there often fights during outdoor rock concerts?” Professor Zvonnikov said. Experiments have shown that water exposed to loud music induces a short-term change in the water’s memory and leads to an aggressive state in humans.

Interesting things about water you may not know
Korean heavy metal and folk music

Interesting things about water you may not know
The intersection of Mozart’s 40 and Yesterday’s The Beatle

Interesting things about water you may not know
Chopin’s Amazing Grace and Farewell song hymn