The eyes are the means by which you observe and judge the world around you. Thanks to our eyes, our lives are full of color. But the eyes also hide interesting things that you have not had the opportunity to discover.
1 . There is a slight change in the size of your eyes from the time you are born to the end of life. At birth, the eye is about 18mm in diameter. Within a year, this size increased to 19.5mm.
An adult human has an eye diameter of about 24-25mm and an eyeball 2/3 the size of a ping pong ball. Thus, during our lifetime, our eyes only grow about 28% of their original size.
2 . We perceive light by its color. However, we can only perceive light with a wavelength in the range of 380Nm – 740Nm. This is the visible range of light (spectrum). It was from this spectrum that Isaac Newton divided light into seven categories: red, orange, yellow, blue, dark blue, indigo and violet.
In 1790, researcher Thomas Young suggested that we can only see three colors: red, dark blue and yellow. The other colors are just a mixture of those three primary colors. In 1878, Mr. Ewald Hering proposed a theory of the four primary colors of red, blue, yellow and dark blue. Accordingly, when the above four primary colors are mixed with white or black, it will create different types of colors that humans can perceive.
However, so far there is not really an exact quantifiable number of the number of colors that humans can perceive. The most recent research shows that humans can perceive very small differences between colors. Researchers think that humans can perceive at least about 10 million different colors. However, the above number is not completely accurate because in each different culture, the way to distinguish colors is also relatively different.
3 . The time for eyelashes to regenerate is from 4 to 8 weeks. Eyelashes together with eyelids work to protect the eyes from dirt as well as prevent foreign substances from entering the eyes.
4. Sight is the preeminent and most developed human sense.
5. Our eye color is determined by the amount of melanin – a dark brown pigment found in the iris. If there is a lack of melanin, the eyes will be blue, and if there is an abundance of melanin, the eyes will be brown. Therefore, people with dark hair and skin often have high levels of melanin, so their eyes are often brown.
Meanwhile, people with light hair and skin tend to have low levels of melanin and therefore their eyes are usually lighter in color. This also explains why most babies’ eyes are usually lighter in color than adults, due to the low melanin content of babies.
In general it is rare for people to have two eye colors , but in animals it is quite common as in horses, cats and dogs. This is caused by a genetic variation that controls color. It could be a typical biological inheritance or damage in the pigment of the eye caused by drug use.
6 . Have you ever tried to sneeze while trying to open your eyes wide? One thing is for sure, you can’t do that. Sneezing is a random response of the body when our nose is irritated. Sneezing creates an impulse that acts on the entire body, including the abdomen, chest, neck, and face. That impulse acts on the muscles in the face, causing the eyelids to automatically close. This reaction is completely automatic and we cannot reverse it.
Sneezing puts a great deal of pressure on the head and respiratory organs. Therefore, the closure of the eyelids can be considered as a defense mechanism.
7. At any time, every time people open their eyes, the eyes will not stop working at full capacity. No matter where you stand, the molecules inside work to ensure you get the clearest, ” HD” images.
8 . The average human blinks 17 times per minute.
9 . At birth, we can only see within 15 inches, or less than 0.5m.
10 . The human eye can perceive and encode images upside down , something that is unthinkable for the eyes of many other animals on Earth.
11 . In fact, each human eye only records half of the left and right images. The data is then transmitted to the brain for the complete image to work.
12. Tears have many types, not always the same. For example, when you cry tears, laugh tears or when touched, stimulate tears, these tears have different composition depending on the cause of your tears.
13. If you have blue eyes , then you have the same ancestry, deep bloodline with all other blue-eyed people in the world, despite the difference in race, skin color, hair color… And you belong to the ” new generation ” race, which appeared only not so long ago on Earth.
14. If you have brown eyes , then you should be proud because our ancestors were the first human races to appear on Earth along with black-eyed people. Blue-eyed people appeared last, only about 6,000 years ago.
15. The truth is that the eye can hardly perceive both black and white , the brain has to work harder to see these two colors. So, the more colorful the objects are, the more the eyes like them because they are more active.
16 . If someone can see before going blind, ie not born blind , then the last image the eye sees before going blind will always appear in a dream every night.
17. Conventional vision tests are actually not very accurate. For example, in the picture, many experts have proven that people who can see in the 8.9 position are not necessarily as good as those who can only see in the 2,3 position.
18 . If you are nearsighted , the eyeball will be longer than the average person. Conversely, if you are farsighted, your eyeballs may be shorter than normal.
19 . Your eyes are an extremely complex organ, second only to the brain!
20 . If eye wallet is a company, it has 2 million employees (detailed parts of eyes). Terrible isn’t it?
21 . The “eye” company can process 36,000 information continuously per hour.
22 . Do you know how dedicated this eye guy is to your education? 85% of what you know is from your eyes!
23 . And of course, contributing a lot, this guy is also a bit greedy when he accounts for 65% of the neural pathways to the brain.
24. According to calculations by scientists, the average person will receive more than 24 million images in his lifetime.
25. You might be surprised to learn that the strongest muscles are not in… the biceps but in the outer eye ring.
26. The part of the iris that you look in the mirror and see is actually only 1/6 the size of your eye!
27. We blink really to lubricate the eyeball, but when it comes to dust, it’s a conditioned reflex to protect the eye.
28. The correct weight of an eye is… 28g.
29 . The XY side reads the tiny print better than the XX side.
30 . It’s amazing to know that the average person blinks up to 10,000 times a day!
31. Our pupils will dilate depending on the light conditions. The darker the pupil, the more dilated.
32. Eye pigmentation is inherited from parents to children, but brown-eyed parents can still have children with other eye colors due to genetic mutations.
33. 8-10% of the world’s population has blue eyes, mostly Europeans. Finland is the country with the most blue-eyed people in the world. Research by the University of Copenhagen in 2008 found that blue eye color first appeared about 10,000 years ago after a genetic mutation. Blue eye color is hereditary, so people with blue eyes are considered “same ancestor”. Low amounts of melanin also cause a small percentage of the population to have sepia (5%), amber (5%), green (2%), gray (1%), purple (1%). About 1% of the world’s population has heterochromia, which means that the left and right eye colors are different, or one eye has two different colors.
34. 1% of the world’s population has 20/10 vision , which means the eye can clearly see objects 20 feet (6 m) away, twice the vision of the naked eye.
35. Ommatophobia is the name of the fear of the eyes. People with this rare syndrome have signs of nausea, dizziness, tremors, difficulty breathing … especially anxiety, fear when looking, touching eyes or eye drops. Having to go to ophthalmology facilities can cause panic for these people. They tend to try to delay their eye exam as much as possible.
36. Newborn babies don’t cry when they cry , because the tear glands are not fully developed. It takes from one to three months for a baby to cry like normal. Before that, she only shed tears to moisten her eyes.