How to read fat, sugar and salt content on food nutrition labels

Food nutrition labels are designed to help us choose the right foods to absorb nutrition in a healthier way. Most prepackaged foods have a label that mentions the nutritional value of the product, including protein, fat, salt, and starch content.

However, few people understand the meaning of those indicator numbers, other than nutrition experts. How do we know to what extent a food is high or low in fat, sugar or salt?

How to read fat, sugar and salt content on food nutrition labels
Nutrition labels help us choose the right foods to consume in a healthier way. (Illustration).

Standard nutrition labels will include indicators of protein, total fat, saturated fat, trans fat, starch, and sugar. ) and the salt (Sodium) content of a portion of the food (for example, a piece of cake in a whole package) or per 100g of the food.

In addition, the label may also include indicators of the amount of calcium, fiber or other nutrients if present in the food. In some countries, the nutrition label must also include the amount of energy (calories) contained in the food.

What are the low and high nutritional levels?

At low levels, low-fat foods , according to the Hong Kong Center for Food Safety, will typically have a total fat index of less than or equal to 3g/100g of food; low-salt foods with a sodium index less than or equal to 120mg/100g of food; Low-sugar foods have a glycemic index less than or equal to 5g/100g of food.

At high levels , according to the UK’s National Health Service, high-fat foods will have an index of 17.5g/100g of food; High-salt foods have a sodium index of 1,500mg/100g of food and high-sugar foods will have a threshold of 22.5g of sugar per 100g of food.

How to read fat, sugar and salt content on food nutrition labels
Nutrition label on a box of mixed cereal.

Nutritionists say that people can’t always find low-fat, low-salt, low-sugar foods, so the best thing we should do is focus on the nutritional value – which plays a role. most important to the body.

Nutritionist Sally Poon Shi-po, founder of the Hong Kong Personal Nutrition Center, said: “If you are choosing a product to lose weight, the nutritional value you need to pay attention to is the amount of calories (calories). of food”.

For people with high blood pressure, pay attention to the amount of salt (sodium) in food. People with a heart attack or high fat, you need to pay attention to the amount of saturated and metabolic fat. People with diabetes, the amount of sugar and starch in food must be controlled.

Famous businessman in the health field in Hong Kong Ifat Kafry Hindes shared: She always looks at the sugar index of the food first and does not choose to buy foods with a sugar content of more than 8g. Protein amount about 21g, starch 29g is the best for health.