How did fake news work? Neuroscience has shown several properties of fake news. The first goal of fake news is to attract attention. So novelty is the “determining factor” of fake news.
The study is titled “Galaxy brain: The neuroscience of how fake news grabs our attention, produces false memories, and appeals to our emotions”. our attention, create false memories and appeal to our emotions”) posted on showed that highly emotionally stimulating information has a chance to be imprinted. in our minds more strongly and into the “long-term stores” of the brain.
According to researchers Gordon Pennycook and David Rand, one reason provocative statements are so successful is that they are outlandish.
In a world full of improvisation, humans have developed a subtle ability to quickly spot and navigate unexpected information or events. Novelty is an essential perception of the neural underpinnings of behavior and plays a role in almost all stages of neural processing.
One reason provocative statements are often so successful is that they are outlandish.
Sensory neuroscience has shown that only unexpected information can be filtered through the higher processing stages of the nervous system. Thus, the sensory cortex may have evolved to adapt, predict, and soften the symmetry inherent in our experiences, and focus on unpredictable events. or surprise.
Neural response diminishes each time we are exposed to the same information, because the brain knows that this stimulus has no “commensurate reward”. Novelty itself is related to motivation. The neurotransmitter Dopamine – an organic chemical also known as the “happy hormone” – increases when we are exposed to novelty.
When we’re exposed to something new, we see the potential for “commensurate rewards” in some way. Studies show that the novelty of fake news increases the capacity of the hippocampus (a part of the forebrain involved in information retention and memory formation in long-term memory). in making neuronal synaptic connections.
By increasing the brain’s plasticity (ability to change and adapt), the capacity of learning new concepts will also be increased accordingly.
The major region involved in responding to novel stimuli is closely linked to the hippocampus (hippocampus) and amygdala (amygdala) , both of which play important roles in learning and memory.
While the hippocampus compares novel stimuli with existing memories, the amygdala responds appropriately to emotional stimuli, thereby enhancing associated long-term memories.
That process happens during sleep – a somewhat limited time frame for integrating all of our daily information. For that reason, the brain is tuned to favor certain types of information.
Highly emotional information has a stronger chance of being imprinted in our minds and stored in long-term memory banks. The allure of fake news is therefore reinforced by its relationship with memory formation.
In-depth analyzes show that people are more likely to form false memories of fake news that are closely related to their beliefs, especially if they have low cognitive abilities.
The most unique feature of fake news is its ability to appeal to our emotions. Studies of online networks show that text spreads more powerfully when it contains a high density of “emotional morals”.
Decisions are often driven by deep emotions that can be difficult to identify. In the process of making judgments, people will experience a range of emotions – both positive and negative – that are consciously or unconsciously associated with a given context.
We rely on our ability to put information into an emotional frame of reference, combining facts with feelings.
Our positive or negative feelings about people, things and ideas arise much faster than our conscious thoughts, long before we are aware of them.
Even a brief exposure to a fake news headline can instantly increase our confidence in the matter. This is why surfing on social media has the power to change the way we see the world and make political decisions.