Decades of research have shown that EQ is one factor that sets successful people apart from the rest. The association is so strong that it shows that 90% of the most successful people have very high EQ.
When the concept of emotional intelligence (EQ) first appeared, it was the missing piece to the mystery: people with average IQs performed better than those with the highest IQs. to more than 70%. This finding falsifies the popular belief that IQ is the only factor for success.
Although we understand the importance of EQ, its intangible nature makes it very difficult to know how much we possess them and how we can improve if we lack emotional intelligence. Here are behaviors that show that you are severely lacking in emotional intelligence:
Emotional intelligence isn’t always about being “nice,” it’s about managing your emotions to achieve the best possible outcome. Sometimes this means showing people you’re sad, angry, or frustrated.
Always wearing a mask of happiness and optimism is actually not smart or effective at all. Emotionally intelligent people use positive and negative emotions in appropriate situations.
Emotional intelligence makes stress easier to handle by allowing you to spot and address problems before things get worse.
People with low EQ tend to use other less effective means to manage their moods.
People who lack emotional intelligence tend to use other, less effective means to manage their moods. They are twice as likely to experience anxiety, depression, substance abuse… as people with emotional intelligence.
People with high EQ balance behavior, empathy, and kindness with their ability to assert themselves and set boundaries. This ingenious combination makes conflict resolution easier. When most reach the limit, they often default to negative behavior but emotionally intelligent people remain balanced and assertive by staying away from those emotions. This helps them neutralize the “hard” people without creating enemies.
Research shows that only 36% of people can identify the emotions they are experiencing. This is a problem because not being able to label emotions often accompanies misunderstandings and in turn leads to irrational choices and counterproductive actions.
People who lack EQ often form opinions quickly believing it confusingly.
People who lack EQ often form an opinion quickly believing it incomprehensible, they will find all the evidence to support the opinion and ignore any evidence to the contrary. This is especially dangerous for leaders, because their opinions become the strategy for the team. In contrast, people with high EQ allow their thoughts to be free, because they know the initial reaction is emotional. They take the time to develop thinking and consider possible consequences and critique. They then communicate the developed idea in the most effective way and consider any feedback.
Hatred will cause high blood pressure and heart disease.
When a threat is imminent, a negative response is necessary for your survival, but when it is a thing of the past, holding onto grudges wreaks havoc on your body and has dire consequences. health importance over time.
Emory University researchers have shown that hatred causes high blood pressure and heart disease. Holding grudges means you are holding onto tensions. Emotionally intelligent people know to avoid this at all costs. Letting go of grudges not only makes you feel better now, but can also improve your health in the future.
People with emotional intelligence separate themselves from their mistakes, but they don’t forget them. By keeping mistakes at a safe distance, but still enough to look at, they can adapt and adjust for future success.
Obsessed with mistakes for too long make you anxious and shy, while forgetting them all over again puts you at risk of repeating them. The key to balance lies in the ability to turn failure into a springboard to success.
When you lack emotional intelligence, you feel misunderstood because you can’t get your message across in a way that people can understand. Even people with high EQ know that they can’t communicate all of their ideas perfectly. But when they notice that people don’t understand what they’re saying, they adjust their approach and re-communicate the idea.
People with low EQ feel misunderstood because they can’t get their message across in a way that people can understand.
Everyone has their own trigger. People often “pull the trigger” and cause hasty actions. People with high emotional intelligence understand their trigger , use that knowledge to step back, and wait until they’re ready.
Emotions come from within. You have to be responsible for your emotions. No one can make you feel anything you don’t want to.
If you know who you are, it’s very difficult for others to say or do things that make you sad or angry. People with emotional intelligence are confident, open-minded, and “thick-faced”. You can even make fun of yourself or let others make fun of you, because you have the ability to draw the line between humor and insult.
Unlike IQ, EQ can be honed. When you exercise your brain by constantly practicing new behaviors that demonstrate emotional intelligence, it becomes a habit. As the brain reinforces the use of these new behaviors, the old ones disappear. Before long, you’ll start reacting to the things around you with emotional intelligence without having to think about it.