Explain blankets, clothes that generate winter electricity

In winter, blankets and clothing can cause static electricity. However, according to experts, worries about electric current affecting health or resonating with electric current of electronic equipment are not true.

Mr. Luu Thai Hung (room 108, post office complex, Hoang Cau, Hanoi) reflected that not long ago he bought a blanket in Lang Son to use. One day, when he woke up in the middle of the night to pull the blanket for his son, he was startled to see sparks of light, accompanied by a crackling sound. He tried several times with this blanket and the phenomenon persisted. The harder he pulled, the thicker the light and the sound. From that day on, he did not dare to cover this blanket again. Because he is concerned that electricity from this blanket may affect the health of family members.

The case of Mr. Nguyen Van Luong’s family (Kim Ma, Hanoi) is similar to Mr. Hung’s. Mr. Luong said that the feather blanket he is using also has a flash of light whenever there is strong rubbing. At night, lights and explosions sound like a mosquito net when a mosquito is attached. Because the mosquito racket can cause shock, Mr. Luong is also very worried that the blanket may create an electric current that affects the body or interacts with the current when he stands near electronic devices.

According to the Phi Nam School of Science, Head of the Research Department of the Textile Institute, the phenomenon of static electricity in clothes and blankets is common in the dry season. The electrostatic factor is mainly due to raw materials and fibers. In particular, synthetic fibers containing more nylon will have more static electricity than natural fibers. This is mainly due to the physicochemical properties of the fibers.

KS Truong Phi Nam further analyzed: In principle, when weaving all kinds of clothes, manufacturers must have an electrostatic treatment process. This is a relatively important step, because without antistatic treatment when it is in the form of fibers, it will be difficult to process the finished product. Usually, to prevent static electricity, one can use antistatic agents. There are quite a few substances to combat, depending on the fabric, there will be corresponding substances…

Explain blankets, clothes that generate winter electricity
Mr. Luu Thai Hung describes an electric blanket.

Sharing the same opinion, MSc Nguyen Viet Dung, Director of the Center for Biomedical Electronics, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, said that static electricity occurs due to the process of adding electricity to the friction process. There are many cases of static electricity such as flashes of light like a mosquito net, there are also cases where electricity is transmitted to the feet and the floor, which slightly numbs the body… However, all these factors do not affect the body.

“The current caused by the electrostatic process creates a very weak electric field, which does not affect the body or health, nor is it to the extent of causing shock or numbness to the affected person. In addition, this current does not add up. influence with other currents, creating an effect on electrical equipment when in use. Therefore, people can rest assured,” said MSc Nguyen Viet Dung.

In addition, the current caused by the clothing is completely different from the current of the mosquito catcher. Because this device has a source (battery) that creates a constant, stable current that affects the mosquito causing death. Meanwhile, static electricity has no source at all.