Edward Snowden reveals about creatures living inside the Earth's interior

Former intelligence officer Edward Snowden once revealed shocking information: In the heart of the Earth, there are creatures and advanced civilizations that have never been known.

There are two streams of public opinion: One side thinks that Edward Snowden is a traitor, the other side considers Snowden a hero for having bravely revealed secrets that the public deserves to know, including information about UFOs and UFOs. alien.

According to some CIA documents, the US government has long known civilizations are smarter than humans .

While we are busy looking for UFOs and life in the universe, another civilization has resided in the ground for millions of years, possessing a much higher level of technology than humanity.

Edward Snowden reveals about creatures living inside the Earth's interior
Earth’s tectonic plates.

Let’s take a look at the hard crust of the Earth, the thin layer of rock that divides into continents and the ocean floor. The Earth’s crust rests on tectonic plates that change slowly over time in the planet.

The CIA’s database stores deep-sea sonar images, but the high secrecy does not allow scientists access without any security guarantees.

This is a form of organism like us humans that has evolved in a different direction in the habitat in the heart of the Earth.

In their eyes, we are just like ants. They have the power to interfere in our world, but they don’t because they want to hide themselves.

Edward Snowden reveals about creatures living inside the Earth's interior
Illustration: Civilization in the ground.

According to Edward Snowden, everything we hear via satellite from aliens or aliens knows about us is in the form of encrypted information.

American military officials have also spoken of small blue men and posing a danger in the near future.

Edward Snowden reveals about creatures living inside the Earth's interior
The US government has long known that civilizations are smarter than humans. (Illustration).

With suspicious movements such as: inhabitants of the Earth’s interior, mysterious sound waves have been heard in all parts of the world, including events in the universe also heard sounds under the Caribbean Sea, more and more. reinforces the belief that there is an alien civilization that exists as humanity’s neighbor.