Strange rocks in Mozambique have revealed one of the most catastrophic prehistoric disasters, when a massive stream of magma pierced the Earth’s crust, tearing the supercontinent Pangea.
A team from Eduardo Mondlane University (Mozambique) has just published the astonishing study of a Jurassic disaster, when land on Earth was pierced, torn and devastated by a storm of deep magma rising up. “Great Flood” hot.
Magma is molten rock deep underground. This rock is located somewhere far below the tectonic plates, where a hot “hell”, and for unknown reasons has found its way to the surface. With tremendous heat and power, the magma flow tore through the tectonic plates, causing the continent of Pangea to be cut in two: half pushed north, half drifted south. Through the “wound” that opened in the middle of the supercontinent, magma has actually turned into lava erupting like a supervolcano, burning everything in its path.
Layers of the Earth – (photo: HUFFINGTON POST).
This event is thought by the team to contribute to the series of fiery days of the Jurassic Earth, which contributed to the mass extinction hundreds of millions of years ago.
All of the above story is “told” by a collection of strange rocks found in Mozambique. This rock can only spawn from a terrifying lava eruption . The location of the strange rocks is the area adjacent to Africa and Antarctica today, when these two regions were still closely linked, part of the supercontinent Pangea .
Analytical steps have found “chemical signatures” , such as low levels of titanium dioxide in the rocks, indicating that they are not contaminated by elements from the Earth’s crust. That means they come from deeper parts of the planet, in the mantle.
In addition to the volcanic rocks from this mantle, the scientists also found a lot of volcanic rock from the shallower area, indicating that there are many sources of magma production in what Mozambicans call the “Karoo” province. this magma” . Compared to magma coming from the Earth’s crust, deep magma erupting all the way up is a very rare phenomenon.
The findings were published in the scientific journal Lithos.