Don't miss the beautiful Leonids meteor shower tomorrow night

Many of you will be extremely happy to admire the beauty of the Leonids shooting stars “stagnation” in the sky on the night of November 17 and early morning on November 18.

You know what, on the night of November 17 and early morning of November 18 – astronomy lovers will have the opportunity to admire the beautiful meteor shower named Leonids in the night sky. And Vietnam is one of the must-see spots!

The Leonids meteor shower appears in mid-November every year (usually from November 13 to November 21) . This rain comes from the constellation Leo (Leo), plus meteors often radiate in clusters like a lion’s mane, so they are called Leonids.

Don't miss the beautiful Leonids meteor shower tomorrow night
Every 33 years, the Leonids meteor shower will be unusually large.

A meteor shower is a phenomenon where thousands or tens of thousands of small meteorites burst into the Earth’s atmosphere and burn brightly when the Earth enters the orbit of the meteorite. These meteorite clusters are often the aftermath of comets as they pass through our orbit.

Did you know, in history the Leonids is the only meteor shower of the year capable of causing “hurricanes” ?

Normally, every 33 years, the Leonids meteor shower will be unusually large, when peaking can bring thousands of meteors into the atmosphere.

The Leonids meteor “storm” first landed on Earth in 1833. The last time the Leonids meteor storm appeared was in the period 1998 – 2002, with a frequency of 3,000 meteors/hour.

Because the Comet takes about 33 years to make an orbit around the Sun, this year, we do not have the opportunity to see the meteor “storm” but have to wait about 18 years.

Don't miss the beautiful Leonids meteor shower tomorrow night
The figure depicts the meteor “storm” event of 1833.

But while waiting for the meteor “storm”, do not miss the opportunity to admire the Leonids meteor shower this year with about 15-20 meteors / hour.

According to Space, people in both hemispheres have the opportunity to admire this Leonids meteor shower.

Areas like Scotland, Canada or northern Russia are considered the best viewing points. In addition, the regions of North America, Europe and Asia can also fully watch this meteor event.

A little hint, the best time to observe for those who want to admire the Leonids meteor shower in Vietnam is around 2 am (November 18) , when the constellation Lion is high on the eastern horizon.