Detecting a giant lava tube, which can reverse the Earth's magnetic field

The polar island will certainly cause a lot of harm to people, many people even consider it as the “doomsday” of the Earth.

We all know that the Earth’s magnetic field is generated by a core of molten iron consisting of iron and nickel. At Earth’s core, its temperature can reach 5,700 degrees Celsius (about as hot as the surface of the Sun).

At the end of the Ice Age 41,000 years ago, there was a magnetic polarity reversal for a few hundred years. Then, if you have a compass, its pointer will be reversed!

Detecting a giant lava tube, which can reverse the Earth's magnetic field
Illustration of a lava lamp with molten spheres moving in cycles of up and down. (Photo Shutterstock/mikeledray).

This has happened a few times throughout Earth’s history, and now new research shows it could happen again, with the main cause being similar to a giant lava lamp.

Inside this lamp are droplets of molten solids that move up and down in a periodic manner.

According to scientists, the region above the Earth’s north pole is like a giant cauldron lamp, which contains solids and liquids that move up and down at regular intervals and this will cause the Earth’s magnetic field to be distorted. change, even reverse polarity.

Global Seismology researcher Paula Koelemeijer at the University of Oxford (UK) discovered this when receiving unusual seismic signals from earthquakes.

By studying signals from large earthquakes, specifically the shape and speed of seismic waves, researchers have discovered that the Earth’s magnetic field is changing.

Detecting a giant lava tube, which can reverse the Earth's magnetic field
The polar reversal process will cause the position of the North and South poles to change. (NASA photo).

The process of polarity reversal will take place in a process, when the magnetic fields at the two poles weaken and exchange places, then the magnetic field will strengthen again at the end of this process.

Thus, during the polarization process, the Earth is like a snake shedding its skin, this will be the time when the Earth is “weakest” because there is no strong enough magnetic field, acting as an armor to prevent the solar storm entering the atmosphere.

Detecting a giant lava tube, which can reverse the Earth's magnetic field
Structure of the Earth’s interior. (Photo Kelvinsong).

The polarization process takes place every few million years or maybe tens of millions of years, its irregularity is something that our scientific level still cannot predict.

But many experts predict that within the next 2000 years, the Earth will reverse polarity again, then its impact on human activities, especially the communication system will be devastated, affecting economy and many other fields.

The study was published on The Conversation.