The universe: What is an orbit?

Did You Know: Space – What is an orbit? An orbit is a path that one object in space takes around another. In the solar system, the Earth and all the other planets orbit around the sun. Also, many planets, including the Earth, have moons that orbit around them. What keeps the moon in orbit? … Read more

The universe: How cold is it in space?

Did You Know: Space – How cold is it in space? In the huge areas between the stars and galaxies, space can get very, very cold. In these regions, the temperature can drop as low as -454ºF (-270ºC). However, the objects in space, such as stars and planets, can be lots of different temperatures. Do … Read more

The universe: How big is the universe?

Did You Know: Space – How big is the universe? The universe is really, really, really big! It is so huge that it is difficult to imagine the size of it. Our sun, which is the biggest object in our solar system, is like a speck of dust when compared with the vastness of the … Read more

THE UNIVERSE: Where did the universe come from?

Did You Know: Space – Where did the universe come from? Everything that exists all began to form around 13.8 billion years ago, during an event called the big bang. The big bang started the creation of the universe and everything in it, including us! How do we know how old the universe is? Universe … Read more

The universe: Where does space begin?

Where does space begin? Space begins at the Karman Line, which is 62 miles (100 km) above the Earth. This is the height you need to reach to become an astronaut. Humans can’t survive in space, but are protected by layers of gas that surround the Earth. These layers are called the atmosphere. What is … Read more

The universe: What is space?

Did You Know: Space – What is space? On cloudless nights when you look up at the dark sky, you can see space. It stretches much farther than the eye can see and contains the moon, the sun, all the planets, as well as the Earth, and the stars. Space also contains many things that … Read more

The Unification Of Physics (Part 3)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking Another problem is that there are at least four different string theories (open strings and three different closed string theories) and millions of ways in which the extra dimensions predicted by string theory could be curled up. Why should just one string theory and one kind of … Read more

The Unification Of Physics (Part 2)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking String theory has a curious history. It was originally invented in the late 1960s in an attempt to find a theory to describe the strong force. The idea was that particles like the proton and the neutron could be regarded as waves on a string. The strong … Read more

The Unification Of Physics (Part 1)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking As was explained in the first chapter, it would be very difficult to construct a complete unified theory of everything in the universe all at one go. So instead we have made progress by finding partial theories that describe a limited range of happenings and by neglecting … Read more

Wormholes and Time Travel (Part 1)

A Briefer History of Time – Stephen Hawking The last chapter discussed why we see time go forward: why disorder increases and why we remember the past but not the future. Time was treated as if it were a straight railway line on which one could only go one way or the other. But what … Read more