Are the brains of introverts and extroverts the same?

Don’t assume that a shy person is an introvert. Both extroverts and introverts have their shy side. Introverts aren’t always quiet, vulnerable, and of course don’t hold a grudge against people.

One-third to about half of the world’s population is introverted. While extroverts are esteemed in Western society, introverts are in the opposite situation. However, both have their positive and negative sides, life is simply giving each person different ways to experience and cope with it.

Also, no one is truly an introvert or an extrovert, we are all a mixture of both. However, human personality tends to favor one side more.

Are the brains of introverts and extroverts the same?
Extroverts have a higher tolerance for dopamine.

The brains of introverts work differently than those of extroverts. They are more sensitive to dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps us feel good when acting fast and taking risks. This means that introverts don’t need much of the above to become energetic, excess only leads to being overstimulated; Therefore, introverts prefer to be alone or with a small group.

In addition, the brains of introverts receive stimulation through long branch lines of acetylcholine , a neurotransmitter, that travels through different parts of the brain. The ramifications of such a long journey shows that introverts have the ability to pick up on small details and errors, think wildly about things, and take a while to process and react to moderate information. receive.

On the other hand, extroverts have a higher tolerance for dopamine , so they need more stimulation to be energized and “recharge” the lost energy. They like the bustle and being surrounded by a crowd. Their brains also receive rapid stimuli, allowing them to respond to different environments easily and quickly.

These biological differences indicate that introverts tend to be good listeners, enjoy solitude, and are less prone to slip-ups because they tend to think things through before they speak. They can also read people better, enjoy solving problems and are less impulsive when compared to extroverts, who tend to take risks and are often “patrons” of places. like a hospital or a prison. However, introverts have their downsides, they often feel lonely and don’t appreciate themselves as much as extroverts.

It doesn’t matter whether you are an introvert or an extrovert or whatever. If you know what kind of inclination you have, you can take advantage of it. The most important thing is to live according to your personality .