Survival skills when buried alive in a coffin

Honestly, have you ever dreamed, or thought about the case that you “died and come back to life” in a coffin without anyone knowing.

Statistics on human psychology and spirit show that dreams or fantasies of death due to suffocation and helplessness in a closed coffin are the obsessions of many people. Honestly, have you ever dreamed, or thought about the case that you “died and come back to life” in a coffin without anyone knowing.

Humans inherently have a subconscious space for “fear of death” , so imagining that you are not dead even though you are buried in a coffin is very normal and nothing is called a myth. So how to “return from the ground” in a closed coffin? If you follow the steps in the following survival skills, you will have a 50% chance of surviving, the remaining 50% depends on your luck. But that’s better than suffocating, panicking and “dead for sure”, right?

Waking up in a dark box, packed with no light, must have been extremely panicky. But research shows that, at first, you will not understand anything, so you will panic. And you only have 1 minute to panic, because the oxygen in the coffin is quite low, and the more you scream and panic, the faster your heart beats, the more oxygen you use. If there are matches, there are candles, absolutely do not burn, you will be “killed by light” when you have sucked all the oxygen.

Survival skills when buried alive in a coffin
Make a fire when there is no oxygen, you will die faster. (Illustration: Internet)

Also don’t thrash around, you’ll quickly lose your energy and then pass out and, of course, die from lack of oxygen while fainting. Surprisingly, in theory, the amount of oxygen in the coffin is enough to provide you with 1-2 hours if you do not scream, do not exercise too hard. Staying calm is the first step and also the key to surviving this situation.

Absolutely, not because you feel suffocated but take a deep breath, breathe hard, or breathe through your mouth, the oxygen in the coffin is very precious and needs to be saved. You just breathe slowly, breathing evenly as if you are relaxing.

Once you’ve settled your mind, let’s start “brain exercise” to open the coffin lid. At this point, your eyes have become accustomed to the dark, if you can’t see anything, just ignore it. Use your hand to fumble around the edge of the “box” to find the opening of the coffin lid . Usually if the victim wakes up, that means they have just been buried, and the soil is still loose. When you find the opening of the coffin lid, gently push it to see if it will move. Take it easy, otherwise it will be a waste of oxygen. If the coffin lid moves, your chances of survival will be very high.

Or if you have a sharp object with you, puncture the coffin hole and pray that the coffin is made of fake wood.

When you are sure you have a way to open the coffin lid, or puncture a hole in the coffin, start taking strong action. First, you take off your shirt, or anything to cover your head – very important. If you make a hole, use your foot to kick hard to puncture the coffin lid, if you try to push the coffin lid out, it will also make it clear.

And, raise your legs to wait for the next step.

When the coffin lid is broken or opened, the soil will collapse very quickly to take up your space. Because you already have your legs bent, you can easily react, the hooded shirt helps you not to get the dirt in your eyes and mouth, use all your strength to compress the falling soil to tightly fit into the empty parts of the coffin. The more the soil is compacted, meaning the thinner the soil above your head, the better your chances of surfacing.

Remember, always regulate your breathing , panic is death, you are in the middle of the earth. Use all your strength to rake the ground, let it sink, combined with using the coffin as a push platform to rise up.

Survival skills when buried alive in a coffin
Come on up, and become the “hero” famous around the world for escaping the coffin. (Illustration image: Internet).

In short, you will have a chance to survive if the following luck is met:

The article is for reference only, strengthening your survival ability when falling into adversity. Even if there is only a 50% chance of living, knowing a little more, is not useless right?