7 mysterious sinkholes on Earth

Many mysterious lands around the world are said to be portals to the afterlife, from the eternal fire pits in Turkmenistan to the sinkholes in Mexico.

7 mysterious sinkholes on Earth
Darvaza Gas Hole (Derweze, Turkmenistan):
Known locally as “Hell’s Gate”, the Darvaza gas hole is naturally formed when the ground collapses. Geologists have lit a fire to prevent methane from escaping and this place has been burning non-stop since 1971. The hole has an area of 5,350 m2, the mouth is 69 m wide and up to 30 m deep. This place attracts visitors thanks to its spectacular scene like in the movies. (Photo: Reddit).

7 mysterious sinkholes on Earth
Ploutonion Gate in Hierapolis (Pamukkale, Turkey):
This is one of the places to worship Pluto – the god of the dead. The gas that heats the famous Pamukkale springs originates from a cave below this area. The vapor is poisonous, so people believe it was created by the god Pluto. This place is also considered a sacred land, the gateway to hell. (Photo: CNN).

7 mysterious sinkholes on Earth
Masaya Volcano (Masaya, Nicaragua, Central America):
The indigenous people believe that there is a goddess living in this crater. However, many people believe that the continuous activity of the volcano is due to the devil living below and this is the gateway to hell. Today, Masaya is an impressive sight with its sulfur smoke and molten lava. (Photo: Explorerwandatours).

7 mysterious sinkholes on Earth
7 hot springs in Beppu (Japan):
Beppu hot spring town is also famous for its scary 7 “hells”. They are springs with many colors, boiling hot enough to boil eggs. In particular, the most special is Chinoike Jigoku, “Blood Hell” , with its unique red color. (Photo: Living + Nomads).

7 mysterious sinkholes on Earth
Mount Hekla (Iceland):
This active volcano has been considered the gate to hell since the 12th century, after an eruption in 1104. Subsequent eruptions confirmed this special reputation. In 1341, some claimed to have seen birds flying among lava and assumed that they were tormented souls. Today, Hekla is also said to be the place where witches meet demons. (Photo: Iceland Mag).

7 mysterious sinkholes on Earth
Mayan sinkholes (Mexico):
Natural sinkholes located in Mexico and Central America, believed by the Mayans to be the home of the rain god Chaak and the gates to Xibalba – the afterlife. Scientists have found temples and remains in a sinkhole on the Yucatan peninsula. Some other famous gates of hell in Mayan conception are Cobán, Guatemala, or Actun Tunichil Muknal in Belize. Today, most of these sinkholes have become swimming and sightseeing spots, instead of somewhat scary destinations. (Photo: Ambergris Caye).

7 mysterious sinkholes on Earth
Hellam Township (Pennsylvania, USA):
This town is considered to be the place where the 7 doors to hell are located. Many people believe that anyone who passes through them will fall into the afterlife. The area where they are located is a forest, in which it is said that there is a madhouse located on Trout Run. In fact, this insane asylum doesn’t exist, but that still doesn’t stop the curious from searching. (Photo: Warm Soda Magazine).