6 little-known myths about human "defecation"

“Going outside” every day is good for the intestines, the bowels must be smelly… are the myths that many people often make.

Although defecation is a very frequent human need, many people still have “harmful” misconceptions about this issue.

Let’s find out the scientific truth of these misconceptions through the Livescience website.

In the US, soldiers are always encouraged to perform 3 activities of daily hygiene care. These are: shaving, bathing, and going out. They believe that these are effective health care habits and should be promoted.

According to the survey, the number of bowel movements in a healthy person is usually between 3 times / day to 3 times / week and the “delicate waste” is not too liquid or too hard.

6 little-known myths about human "defecation"

In addition, the survey results also confirmed that a healthy gut does not mean that bowel habits must take place according to a “timetable”. Monitoring the frequency of bowel movements is only done for the treatment of constipation and diarrhea.

If you have a bowel movement more than 3 times a day with very liquid, watery stools, then you probably have an intestinal problem. However, if you go less than 3 times a week, each time you have difficulties, you need to pay attention to a rest, drink a lot of water, eat a lot of fiber such as cereals, fruits, vegetables to improve. this constipation.

Of course, “delicate waste” can’t smell like roses, but it doesn’t smell like carrion either. If your poop smells “horrible,” it could be a sign of an infection or a serious illness like inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal disease, or ulcerative colitis.

6 little-known myths about human "defecation"

Giardia infection is caused by the fungus Giardia lamblia and is one of the causes of stools that have a terrible odor. If this is the case, you should see a specialist for timely treatment.

The surprising news is that “farting” indicates a normal and healthy health. This is a natural product that is produced when intestinal bacteria digest food, but a strong “fart” is also a serious sign of intestinal disease.

Currently, many people often apply intestinal hygiene because they believe that this will remove toxic substances accumulated in the body as a result of unhealthy lifestyle habits and diets. However, a few recent US studies have revealed serious health effects of intestinal hygiene.

6 little-known myths about human "defecation"

According to researchers, we cannot cleanse toxins without losing the beneficial components of the gut, worse still, no toxins are eliminated.

The risk that toxins and impurities will clog the colon and be absorbed back into the bloodstream is scientifically proven incorrect. Moreover, each time we clean the intestines, we will excrete many beneficial bacteria and electrolytes needed by the body. It is estimated that there are nearly 1,000 species of bacteria living in the intestinal tract, supporting the digestive process, helping to absorb water, yeast, fiber and vitamins.

In addition, intestinal self-cleaning also causes dangerous consequences, most commonly dehydration, rectal perforation, blood infection, and loss of intestinal muscle control.

Many people often have a habit of prolonging the “cleaning” time by looking at books, newspapers and magazines and consider this a good way to relax in the toilet. However, that is completely harmful to health.

6 little-known myths about human "defecation"

A study has shown that: prolonged “passing” causes the anus to transition continuously between the relaxation phase to the tense phase, stimulating the anal cushion to be overactive leading to hemorrhoids, phlebitis.

Another study published in Neurogastroenterology & Motility in 2009 said that people who regularly read books while having a bowel movement have a higher risk of hemorrhoids than normal people. At the same time, a study in the journal Colon & Rectum confirmed that 40% of hemorrhoid patients have a habit of reading for a long time in the toilet.

In addition, countless studies show that books and phones used in the toilet can be contaminated with E.coli bacteria and affect the digestive system. Experts recommend that eating a lot of fiber and not going to the toilet for too long will make defecation easier.

At first glance, many people think that this concept is in accordance with the laws of physics – the more you discharge, the less you have to carry. But the truth is not so.

6 little-known myths about human "defecation"

Many people use laxatives or drink weight loss tea in the hope of getting more calories out of the digestive tract. But the problem is that the absorption of calories takes place mainly in the small intestine. Laxatives can only affect the large intestine or colon.

Many statistics show that Asians go to the toilet more than Westerners and at the same time, obesity rates in Asian countries are also much lower. Maybe that’s why many people have the concept of “going to the toilet a lot, getting rid of a lot of fat”.

But losing weight and going to the bathroom are very different. To lose weight, our body needs more fiber to feel full and thereby reduce the number of calories in the daily diet.

6 little-known myths about human "defecation"

Fiber is found in all grains, beans, and vegetables – a highlight of the Asian diet. Meanwhile, the Western diet favors meat and dairy products, which contain more calories.

Therefore, it is fiber that helps laxatives and detoxifies the body very effectively. However, to lose weight effectively, we also need to adjust the diet and diet, and increase exercise to burn calories effectively.

This is actually correct . Expert Schnoll-Sussman said that just sitting on a plane for a few hours is enough to make your intestines harden, making it harder to move. From the difference in atmospheric pressure, the body inadvertently removes the amount of water in the stool. Dehydration will become even more serious when you spend time playing during travel and forget to drink enough water. In addition, the carefree eating of novel foods such as seafood and fatty foods can also greatly affect the digestion of food.