22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults

There are facts that will make your mother panic.

Newborn babies always hide a lot of extremely interesting things that not everyone knows. You may already know that a baby is born every 3 seconds on average and that at birth, they only have 1 cup of blood (about 0.2 liters) in their body, but you may not know 19 mysteries where below. Let’s explore together.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
A newborn baby can only see black and white. And it takes a few weeks before the baby can perceive other colors. That’s because at birth, the nerve cells in a baby’s retina and brain that control vision aren’t fully developed yet.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
A newborn baby will have three times more taste buds than an adult . The reason is because in addition to the tongue, babies also have taste buds on the back and sides of the mouth.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
While in the mother’s womb, the baby can send his own stem cells to help the mother repair the damage on the body. Through the umbilical cord, the baby will send stem cells to the mother’s body to help her heal wounds quickly.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
A baby’s eyes are about 75% as big as an adult’s when he’s just born . Those are pretty big eyes, aren’t they?

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
Your baby’s brain can consume up to 50% of the glucose in his body. Here’s an explanation for why babies sleep so much.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
Newborns will not be able to run tears . We often hear the baby cry when the baby is born. But actually, it’s just a scream because the baby didn’t shed any tears. Your baby’s lacrimal gland is only really active after 3 weeks of age and that’s when the baby can cry properly.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
A baby will have 270 bones when they are born. So why do we have fewer bones as we grow up? That’s because during adulthood, many bones have joined together to form a mass that gradually forms a skeletal system with 206 bones as we mature.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
The normal breathing rate of a newborn baby is on average 40 breaths per minute. In an adult, this breathing rate is only 12-20 times per minute.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
Most newborn babies will be nearsighted. The baby is not really “nearsighted”, it’s just that when he was born, his vision is only 20/400, like the eyes of a nearsighted person and he can only see near objects. And it takes about 6 months for a child’s vision to reach 20/20.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
Newborns can swallow and breathe at the same time . As they grow older, this special characteristic in children will gradually disappear, they are only maintained until the child is about 6 months old.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
Newborns cannot eat foods with salt until they are 4 years old. Please keep this in mind because giving salt to children early will affect their kidneys.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
A newborn baby will not have a kneecap. Instead, they have only patella-like cartilages. And only when the baby is 6 months old and above, these cartilages develop. That’s why babies crawl with their hands instead of combining their legs.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
Babies have superhuman powers. Have you noticed that babies have a very tight grasping reflex? But you probably don’t know that this grip can be strong enough to lift their body weight!

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
All babies are born with the innate ability to swim. Many studies have shown that all babies are born with the ability to swim. That’s because they have lived up to 9 months and 10 days in the amniotic fluid environment of the mother’s womb. But this ability quickly disappears after the baby is born.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
If children continue to develop their bodies at the same rate as in the first years of life, by the age of 20 they will be 9.1m tall. Fortunately, the world is not filled with giants!

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
While in the womb, some girls may experience periods . While in the womb, the fetus will be affected by the mother’s hormones, so a few days after birth, a baby girl will have her first preterm period in her life. Mom, don’t be surprised.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
When a baby boy is born, he may have an erection. It’s not until puberty that your baby’s boy gets an erection. For boys, this phenomenon can appear very early, because the baby’s body is in need of control of the nervous system. But sometimes, it’s also a sign that your baby is wanting to pee.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
Every newborn has breasts and milk ducts . Don’t worry too much when you see your baby’s nipple swell to the size of a pea, secreting a little yellowish mucus like colostrum after the baby is born 3-5 days. This is a normal phenomenon due to the influence of the mother’s estrogen hormone before birth and this phenomenon will disappear when the baby is 2-3 weeks old.

22 interesting facts about babies that surprise adults
Newborns can sleep with one eye still open . Science calls this phenomenon in children nocturnal cleft palate. This phenomenon is most common in infants, especially between the ages of 12-18 months and it is completely harmless, so you do not need to take your baby to the doctor.