Making money is not easy, spending money is even harder. In fact, although there are many tricks to help you make the most of your money and earn more, it only really works for those who are gifted in the business field.
However, this does not mean that you – ordinary people – do not have a chance. There are some important secrets to know before you spend your hard-earned money, so that you can live a more comfortable life.
Investing in yourself is the smartest investment, and the sooner you realize this, the easier your life will become.
But how about investing in yourself? Of course, it’s about learning and experimenting. It’s not necessary to try to earn a degree, but to hone in on whatever you feel like doing. Buy a book and read it – it’s an investment! Spending money on an online course, it’s also an investment.
The more you invest in yourself, the more you will see your own value increase, especially in today’s modern society.
Basically, we work 8 hours a day, sleep 8 hours a night, and have 8 hours for our own things.
8 hours of work in exchange for 8 hours of sleep. So, cultivating yourself better lies entirely in the effective use of the remaining 8 hours. Make good use of it, invest in things that bring long-term effects such as learning new knowledge, new skills… instead of going to YouTube to watch entertaining videos.
Everyone, we all have close relationships – be it friends, family members… And what happens when you lend them money? They’ll just give it back, right?
Oh no! Reality will sometimes play out in completely different ways. Some people just want you to forget about the debt, others want to steal it, and in some cases can’t pay it. The problem is that you don’t have to be so generous.
And no matter what the reason, lending money can completely lead to money loss, you also… empty, so be very careful before giving money to anyone.
It’s the same everywhere you look: many scientific reports relating to wealth have the same advice, which is to spend less.
The reason now imagine, you are disgusted with your job, disgusted with your home, disgusted with many other things in life. At this time, it is the small spending in the past that will help you get some money to manage, become freer, more flexible in psychological issues.
When we go shopping – whether online or in person, we are always driven by emotions. You may love a pair of shoes and feel ready to spend half a month’s salary to own it. But even if it’s the little things, because they’re so small that you don’t feel sorry for them, then when a lot of things add up, the empty bag is always bad.
This is where the 25h rule comes in handy. Before buying anything, wait until the next day. After a day, your emotions will become calm, and you will understand for yourself whether you really need the item or not. Believe me, the majority of cases will not!
Take 1 minute each day to check your spending. For example, take a 1-minute lunch break to see what you’ve spent since waking up.
This 1 minute is really valuable, because it helps you realize why you are spending so much and where the problem lies.
Another trick to curb overspending is to compare.
For example, you see a beautiful sweater in the store, but its value is quite expensive, and you feel hesitant? Now compare and lose: do you need that shirt, or do you need a worry-free outing next month?
Big companies always have extremely “dangerous” marketing tricks to get customers to spend more on things they don’t really need. Typical examples are sales and discounts that don’t actually drop.
So before the strong sale items, please compare the quality, the original price… at the same time, always keep in mind: the sale goods are mainly the items that have a higher price than its actual value, or the quality is not. only commensurate.
When you go with friends, you tend to spend more. Simply because the two of you going together will often be happy, but the happy mood will make you wave your hand over your forehead, that’s all.
Solving this story is simple: don’t ask your friends to go to the mall. If you want to meet, watching movies, going to coffee… are better options.
Our thoughts have great power. If you think you can’t make a lot of money, and the rich are all exploiters, you won’t achieve anything.
When you think that you can’t succeed, you will easily get discouraged, get tired easily, feel that what you are doing is meaningless and lead to not getting anything useful. Getting rid of such thoughts is an easier way to get what you want.